Page 89 - AIT0421_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Coordination Berlin, Berlin
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Coordination Berlin, Berlin
                                                                                     Standort • Location Bülowstr. 56, Berlin-Schöneberg
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 240 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Stefan Höderath, Berlin
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                     PIROL OFFICE

                                                                                     IN BERLIN

                       „Die ästhetische Gesamtwirkung ist auf                        Coordination Berlin experienced the lack of reasonably
                                                                                     priced office space first hand. The rent for their office in
                           Offenheit und den positiven Effekt                        Berlin-Kreuzberg was no longer affordable for the design

                              polarer Dualität aufgebaut.“                           studio and its creative neighbours. So they started a joint
                                                                                     search for alternatives and found what they were looking
                                    Coordination Berlin                              for in the Schöneberg district. A former furniture ware-
                                                                                     house now offers enough room for creative scope.

                                                                                     T  he new business premises are situated on Bülowstrasse, and the
                                                                                        street name quickly became the eponym for the fresh start. Named
                                                                                     after Bernhard Victor Christoph-Carl von Bülow, known to most people
                                                                                     as Loriot, the humourist was the inspiration for the name of the redeve-
                                                                                     loped commercial building. Loriot is the French translation for golden
                                                                                     oriole, in Germany also known as Pirol. In the newly created Pirol Stu-
                                                                                     dios, the conglomerate of independent and freelance designers, graphic
                                                                                     artists, artists, illustrators, historians, consultants, architects and socio-
                                                                                     logists found a long-term domicile. So did Coordination Berlin, an inte-
                                                                                     rior design and architecture firm specialising in brand and exhibition
                                                                                     architecture and private interiors. For their own premises Pirol Office,
                                                                                     the creative minds designed an open-plan space without any fear of co-
                                                                                     lour and with a focus on equal rights for all workplaces and barrier-free
                                                                                     communication. The team used the aesthetics of the existing industrial
                                                                                     architecture and the former function as a warehouse. Grey raw concrete
                                                                                     surfaces, exposed ceilings and visible piping are not concealed by me-
                                                                                     rely cosmetic interventions but reveal the characteristic features of days
                                                                                     gone by. A high-contrast choice of materials and colours brings the of-
                                                                                     fices into the present. The pink hue of the existing windows is continued
                                                                                     in the interior and complemented by a turquoise green; grey concrete
                                                                                     is interrupted by gently flowing curtains and the exposed ceiling is con-
                                                                                     trasted with shiny tabletops. Although the available floor area is 250
                                                                                     square metres, the "one-room office" does not seem to need any sepa-
                                                                                     rating walls. Industrial high-load shelving with storage boxes not only
                                                                                     complements the design concept, but also gives the space a partitioning
                                                                                     structure. And if a time-out or a quiet room for meetings is needed after
                                                                                     all, the so-called break-out zones around the work area offer sufficient
                                                                                     alternatives — if necessary, visually and acoustically separated by cur-
                                                                                     tains. Fully tailored to the individual needs and the work processes, the
                                                                                     result is a bright and cheerful working environment that is a pleasure
                                                                                     to work in — as one can tell by just looking at the photographs. This at-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  mosphere makes the start on Monday morning so much easier!

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