Page 110 - AIT0421_E-Paper
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            Im Obergeschoss dominieren die jetzt zweigeschossige Pausenlounge und der Besprechungsraum mit historischen Wand- als Deckenpaneelen. •The upper floor is dominated by the two-storey break lounge and meeting room.

            T   he small village of Schönbach is nestled in the beautiful natural scenery of the  subsequently added structural elements and reduced to its clean cubature and suppor-
                Upper Lusatian Mountains nature preserve. In addition to the idyllic landscape,
                                                                          ting structure. Existing historical structures are brought to the fore. New elements are
            it is not least the numerous Upper Lusatian Houses that have made Upper Lusatia fa-  deliberately integrated as such. In the interior, the timber framework and beams were
            mous beyond the region. In this special type of construction, the main living room on  largely exposed and made tangible. On the one hand, to bring more natural daylight
            the ground floor is built in a separate log cabin construction and surrounded by an  into the interior of the building and, on the other hand, to create a spatial experience
            all-round support system that carries the load of the upper floor and the roof. Oppo-  that cannot be imagined from the outside. This is because the exposure and dismantling
            site the so-called Blockstube, the living area, is the working and utility area, which is  of ceiling and wall areas has created large volumes of air and light along with galleries
            of solid construction — usually fieldstone masonry. Stables, storage and vault rooms  that visually connect the different levels of the offices with each other. A new staircase
            were once located here. The Faktorenhaus in Schönbach was built around 1785 as a  on the north side provides access to the upper administrative offices. This provides a
            prestigious residential and farm building in the Upper Lusatian style. At that time,  direct emergency exit to the outside as the necessary primary escape route. The used
            Faktoren were linen traders who supplied cloth processors with yarns and equip-  materials and surfaces follow the principle: "What you see is what you get". History and
            ment. Currently, a trading company is once again attending to its business in the Fak-  zeitgeist go hand in hand. Quarry stone, slaked lime and charred wood in combination
            torenhaus. Instead of linen and yarns, the medium-sized company Möbelstarke trades  with hand-carved white ornamental frames characterise the outer appearance.
            in contemporary furniture, kitchens and all the corresponding accessories. Offices for
            the company's administrative departments are situated on the two upper levels. The  The Upper Lusatian House has arrived in the here and now
            ground floor is used as a semi-public area and accommodates the foyer, a cloakroom,
            toilets and seminar rooms under the historical cross and barrel vaults. As before, ho-  In the interior, natural clay plasters and light casein paints contrast with dark raw steel
            wever, the heart of the entire building is the Blockstube. While retaining its historical  or reflective chrome steel surfaces, for example as counters in the break lounge. Sound-
            structure, it was transformed into a room for guests that is full of atmosphere and has  absorbing, anthracite-coloured carpeting was selected for the floors of the offices and
            an open-plan kitchen and a fireplace.                          meeting rooms. All other surfaces are finished with large-format, oiled oak floorboards.
                                                                          For the Blockstube, historical floorboards found in the building were reconditioned and
            What you see is what you get!                                 reused. The floors of all other public areas are covered with cement tiles. A common
                                                                          feature of all three main levels are sanitary rooms finished in different bold colours. In
            The entire Faktorenhaus is a cultural monument and was put under a preservation  contrast to the reduced colour scheme of the primary building substance, more vibrant
            order. Against this background, the overriding objective was to preserve the original ap-  colours such as violet, purple and turquoise were chosen for these subordinate rooms.
            pearance of the Faktorenhaus, but to maintain it in a contemporary way with a design  The existing and the new complement each other to form a coherent whole. It remains
            tailored to the new uses. On this basis, the building was freed from all extensions and  an Upper Lusatian half-timbered house, but one that is in the here and now.

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