Page 117 - AIT0420_E-Paper
P. 117

Entwurf • Design Lepel & Lepel Architektur, Köln
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Clouth 104, Lepel & Lepel, Köln
                                                                                     Standort • Location Niehler Str. 194, 50733 Köln
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 600 m 2
                                                                                                                                       Foto:  Bettina Malik
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos H. G. Esch (innen), Jens Kirchner (außen)
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 150

                                                                                     ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE

                                                                                     IN COLOGNE

                                                                                     The listed façades of the former Clouth rubber factory
                                                                                     in Köln-Nippes offered the perfect platform for   Lepel
                                                                                     & Lepel Architektur Innenarchitektur for proving what
                                                                                     the two professions in the team are able to achieve.
                                                                                     Reinhard Lepel designed a four-storey loft building for
                                                                                     commercial and residential purposes, Monika Lepel
                                                                                     designed their own offices on the upper level.

                                                                                     T  stands for living together and a common identity right through to
                                                                                         he & in Lepel & Lepel has long developed into an office logo and
                                                                                     structural implementation. For the Clouth 104 project, the architect
                                                                                     Reinhard Lepel was fortunate be the real-estate developer and also the
                                                                                     planner. From 1868 until the closing of the site in 2009, the Clouth rub-
                                            „Unser neues Büro lässt uns              ber plant dominated the Cologne Nippes district. Since 2013, on the
                                                                                     area measuring about 14.5 hectares, 1,100 residential units and about
                                           die Freiheit für unsere eigene            25,000 square metres of commercial and office spaces are being con-
                                            Identität als Lepel & Lepel.“            structed. Clouth 104 is the largest piece of commercial property and, in-
                                                                                     cluding the listed industrial façades, flexibly designable commercial
                                             Monika und Reinhard Lepel               lofts have been constructed on more than 11,000 square metres. Three
                                                                                     entrances to the inviting courtyard, modern flats and future doctor’s sur-
                                                                                     geries, restaurants and retail enliven the inspiring location. While the
                                                                                     open studio- and loft character with industrial and shell charm charac-
                                                                                     terizes the interior design of the whole building, urban gardens on the
                                                                                     roof areas are designed as shared spaces and produce interiors and ex-
                                                                                     teriors with a high quality of encounters. The generous, flexible loft ar-
                                                                                     chitecture provides open spaces for a kind of working environment cha-
             Ausschnitt Grundriss Dachgeschoss • Detail Attic floor plan             racterized by creative thinking and personal development and the con-
                                                                                     cept of a free plan is also the basis of the new Lepel & Lepel working
                                                                                     world in Clouth 104 which Monika Lepel has developed with her team.
                                                                                     The transparent and open spatial design combines architecture with in-
                                                                                     terior architecture, not only as to the space but also at the relationship
                                                                                     level. The planners’ guiding principle is to strengthen the “&”, to grow
                                                                                     even more together and to make the interdisciplinary cooperation even
                                                                                     easier. The title of her latest publication "Building Relationships" (p. 80)
                                                                                     explains and emphasizes this impressively. Rough and honest, the free
                                                                                     area is contrasted with a solid envelope and architectural structure. The
                                                                                     few walls have been equipped with functions – rich in contrast, the in-
                                                                                     stallations contrast the rough concrete architecture as black cubes and,
                                                                                     besides the spatial structure, have added value as visual usable areas
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Lageplan • Site view         for creative processes. A true plus!

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