Page 121 - AIT0420_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design LXSY Architekten, Berlin
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Spielfeld Digital Hub GmbH, Berlin
                                                                                     Standort • Location Skalitzer Str. 85/86, Berlin
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Christoph Musiol, Berlin
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 150

                                                                                     COWORKING SPACE

                                                                                     IN BERLIN

                                                                                     Digital Transformation is coming to the neighbourhood
                                                                                     — LXSY Architekten have created the Spielfeld Digital
                                                                                     Hub, a coworking space with a sporty feel, in the for-
                                                                                     mer post office on Skalitzer Strasse. Thanks to a stri-
                                                                                     king design element, the colour scheme of the listed
                                                                                     brick building, built in 1927, runs like a golden thread
                                                                                     through the whole interior.

                                                „In Zusammenarbeit mit               A   s a young planning office for integrative interior design, Kim Le
                                                                                         Roux and Margit Sichrovsky from LXSY Architekten, Berlin, have
                                                dem Denkmalschutz sind               been implementing projects since 2015 that enhance the potential of

                                                ausgewählte historische              the places to be designed. They have made it their goal to bring
                                                                                     people together in a participatory process. This was also the case for
                                                Elemente in den Entwurf              the Spielfeld Digital Hub in the elongated building of the former post
                                                                                     office in Berlin. From now on, established companies will work side
                                                    mit eingeflossen.“               by side with start-ups in zoned workplaces with different sojourn qua-
                                                             LXSY                    lities. The centrepiece of the coworking premises is the former hexa-
                                                                                     gonal counter hall. The architects' main concern was to reinterpret the
                                                                                     history of the listed building. To achieve this, details such as the blue-
                  2              1
                                                                                     red brick facing of the exterior façade were incorporated into the inte-
                                                                                     rior design concept. With a centrally positioned stage, the former
                              6                                                      counter hall of the post office has become an ideal location for events.
                                 4                                                   All around, curtains make it possible to create private booths for
                                                                                     workshops or meetings if required. The foyer welcomes visitors and
                                                                                     employees with a birch wood counter, and the hexagonal shape of the
                                                                                     counter hall is taken up again. A spatially enclosed staircase adjacent
                                                                                     to the reception area leads to the basement, where toilets, cloakroom
                                                                                     and storage areas are located. In the common area there are meeting
                                                                                     rooms and a café with lounge area and seating steps. At the centre of
                                                                                     this is a bar adorned with red tiles and a zig-zag profile. The Corporate
                                                                                     Studios, which can be rented temporarily by external companies, ac-
                                                                                     commodate various office spaces. In front of the circulation areas, ni-
                                                                                     ches provide possibilities for communication but also for concentra-
                                                                                     tion. The colour scheme is clearly influenced by rust red to fiery sha-
                                                                                     des. This is contrasted by the flowing appearance of the dove-blue
                                            1  Eingangsbereich mit Empfangstresen • Entrance area with reception counter
                                            2 Veranstaltungsbereich mit Bühne • Event area with stage   linen curtains and the hard surfaces of birch plywood and concrete. A
                                            3 Break-Out Areas • Break-out areas
                                            4 Offenes Café • Open Café               flame-red steel element runs through all the rooms as a special eye-
                                            5 Sitztreppe • Seating steps             catcher, evoking associations with the markings of a court. The si-
                                            6 Treppe ins Untergeschoss • Stairs to the basement
                                            7 Corporate Studios mit Büroräumen • Corporate Studios with offices  gnage system throughout the Spielfeld Digital Hub also submits to the
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  sports theme.
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