Page 160 - AIT0419_E-Paper
P. 160


                                                                             O   n the top floor of an office building on Schumannstrasse in Berlin-Mitte, a
                                                                                 new break-out area has been designed for the employees and the guests of
                                                                             Audible GmbH, an online portal, publisher and producer of audiobooks and audi-
                                                                             ble games. The large, open space is divided into areas with different functions with
                                                                             the help of added room-high objects: the team kitchen and café, reception, lounge
                                                                             and two conference rooms offer space for dining, meetings and events. Different
                                                                             seating options allow various kinds of communication – from the informal meeting
                                                                             to the relaxed break.
                                                                             Pull-out-, folding- and sliding mechanisms ensure flexibility

                                                                             The aim of the design was to allow an ideally flexible use of the floor – for the daily
                                                                             needs as a café and lunch kitchen as well as for the company’s weekly all-hands
                                                                             meetings when all the employees regularly get together. In addition, several times
                                                                             a year the space should also be suitable for special events such as receptions and
                                                                             parties for the narrators of the publisher of audiobooks. For these occasions, the
                                                                             central area of the café – at other times equipped with numerous seating options
                                                                             – can be completely cleared. Essential features are extending tables and benches
                                                                             in the seating niches, a modular pedestal stored in the central piece of media fur-
               Alle multifunktionalen Einbauten wurden als ... • All the multifunction installations are ...   niture and freely positioned combinations of tables and stoles. If needed, the fol-
                                                                             ding tables of white solid-surface material at the windows can be folded up. The
                                                                             construction of all the pull-out, folding- and sliding mechanisms is classic joinery
                                                                             work without any complicated fittings. The hub of the floor is the team kitchen
                                                                             with a central block and a pull-out wine cabinet on castors. For the ceiling-high
                                                                             objects such as the kitchen and the drinks unit, super-matt painted, dark grey MDF
                                                                             panels were used and white-painted MDF panels for the low objects such as the
                                                                             kitchen block and the stairs. Cover- and table panels as well as the reception coun-
                                                                             ter consist of white solid-surface material. As the protection against kick marks in
               ... klassische Tischlerarbeiten realisiert. • ... classic joinery works.   the seating area and the inside walls of the stairs, transparently varnished bam-
                                                                             boo-lamella panels were used analogous to the bamboo parquet found as the
                                                                             flooring everywhere in the building. The seating niches are upholstered in beige
                                                                             genuine leather.

                                                                             Specifically developed ceiling modules improve room acoustics

                                                                             To improve acoustics, the large open space has acoustic ceilings above the indivi-
                                                                             dual zones. The honeycomb ceilings were specifically developed and made. As in-
                                                                             tegrated absorbers, acoustic panels by WaxShape were installed. Lighting and
                                                                             electrical devices are integrated in the structure. The reception is separated with
                                                                             sound-insulating glass walls. As a special eye-catcher, the counter was covered
                                                                             with three-dimensional tiles derived from the honeycomb pattern of the acoustic
                                                                             ceiling. In the lounge is a beverage station and in the back part of the space are
                                                                             two meeting rooms separated by sound-insulating glass walls. Connecting stairs
                                                                             lead down to the executive floor on the fifth upper level.

                                                                             Grundriss • Floor plan


                                                                                 Konferenz 2                    Teamküche

                                                                                 Konferenz 1

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