Page 156 - AIT0419_E-Paper
P. 156


                                                                             T  he architecture and engineering firm HDR was founded in 1917 by Henning H.
                                                                                Henningson in Omaha, Nebraska, and today operates as a globally networked
                                                                             company with seven locations in Germany and 225 locations worldwide. Last year,
                                                                             the HDR Berlin branch in the Tempelhof-Schönefeld district moved to a new, almost
                                                                             1,300-square metre office space on the fourth floor of an old factory building. Appro-
                                                                             ximately 80 employees now work in the flexibly usable rooms. In addition to archi-
                                                                             tects, who mainly plan buildings for health, research and education, the new office
                                                                             also accommodates interior designers, the medical technology department, a com-
                                                                             petition team, and a model workshop. Of course, the design of the premises was
                                                                             planned by an in-house team.

                                                                             Open-plan space with various work and communication zones

                                                                             From the inconspicuous staircase of the old factory building, an entrance designed
                                                                             in the HDR branding colour blue leads into the new office premises. Behind the re-
                                                                             ception area, a striking, ten-metre-long stand-up table serves as the communicative
                                                                             centre. Two separated individual offices and three offices used according to the desk-
               Bei der Planung wurde an alles gedacht. • Everything was taken into account in the planning process.   sharing principle adjoin the meeting area. The otherwise open floor plan provides
                                                                             workplaces for the different teams in varying zones as well as a stimulating environ-
                                                                             ment for work and exchange. The communicative highlight is an area with upholste-
                                                                             red seating furniture for informal work. A bright red long pile carpet sets the seating
                                                                             area apart from the industrial parquet in the rest of the office. Rotary walls make it
                                                                             possible to create a flexible spatial impression. As acoustically effective elements,
                                                                             they improve the working atmosphere and serve as surfaces for hanging up draw-
                                                                             ings. A lounge area with an open kitchen, a cloakroom with an area for bicycle, a
                                                                             disabled WC, a retreat room for family-friendly work with children, and the in-house
               Kommunikationszonen wie die große Sitzlandschaft ... • Communication zones such as the seating area ...   model workshop complete the room programme. The lighting design focused on two
                                                                             main aspects with a reduced selection of luminaires: workplace lighting with a tech-
                                                                             nical-architectural solution and the decorative lighting of lounges and break rooms.
                                                                             The lighting concept reacts to the respective room functions

                                                                             Linear pendant luminaires with a light colour of 3000 Kelvin and micro-prismatic dif-
                                                                             fuser were chosen to illuminate the workplace. The arrangement of luminaires fol-
                                                                             lows the architecture and integrates into the ceiling pattern determined by suspen-
                                                                             ded acoustic panels. The luminaires installed above the workstations emit only di-
                                                                             rect light, while the luminaires above the shelves additionally emit indirect light up-
                                                                             wards. This loosens up the stringent arrangement of the linear ceiling elements. The
                                                                             daylight-dependent control system regulates the luminous flux separately for each
                                                                             group of tables depending on the proportion of daylight. Contrary to the clear struc-
                                                                             tures within the work zones, lighting in the common areas is characterised by a free,
                                                                             playful positioning. The circular pendant luminaires with a light colour of 2700 Kel-
                                                                             vin break up the otherwise linear architectural spatial appearance and create a con-
                                                                             trast between concentration and regeneration.

               ... und die Mitarbeiterküche erhielten dekoratives Licht. • ... and the staff kitchen feature decorative lighting.

                                                                             Grundriss • Floor plan

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