Page 37 - AIT0416_E-Paper
P. 37

umphed in world cups. How was it possible to combine this training-intensive
                career with time-consuming studies in architecture?
                This parallel life sounds strenuous, and it was. I often reached to limits of what was
                possible – physically, but also mentally. Above all on the occasion of my Master’s proj-
                ect, a cable railway on La Palma, I sincerely doubted the feasibility of this dual-track
                intention. Earlier on, I had definitely somewhat underestimated the architectural stud-
                ies but, after I had started, there was no way back for me. I absolutely had to pass the
                master’s degree. Working all through some of the nights, the stress of presentations
                and on top of it the training and the competitions – all that was rather pushing the lim-
                its. Fortunately, BTU Cottbus always was a bit accommodating, and thus I was able to
                submit projects a bit later. The overall workload, however, was the same as for all the
                other students. I never had to repeat an exam or a subject and, in the end, finished
                my master’s studies with point average of 1.9. The major effort had thus paid off even
                though it sometimes bothers me that I never managed to enjoy a really wild student’s
                life. Besides the sport and the studies, there was little time left for entertainment.

                r Thus as an athlete as well as a student in architecture, you needed a lot of dis-
                cipline. How did this parallel pressure to perform affect you?
                I believe that, due to my hard times in the sport boarding school, I was quite well
                prepared for the strenuous time as a student. Previously, I had invested all my disci-
                pline and all my ambition in the sport, and now I projected it onto the studies. Just
                like in the sport, in the studies as well I was motivated by student successes and good
                grades to continue giving my best. Although in our workshops we as students were
                very good friends, when it came to grades, each one wanted to do better than the oth-
                ers. I had to really fight for that since I didn’t have as much talent for architecture as
                I had for cycling. I think that I often looked at the studies a bit like at a competition,
                less against the others than against myself. Thus, in the end there was quite a satis-
                fying result for me of which I am just as proud as of my sporting successes.

                r Are you able to live on your sport? And if so, which activities and contracts con-
                nected with the sport contribute to it?
                Yes, by now I live on the sport, mainly thanks to sponsor contracts but also to courses
                in cycling technique, photo- and video projects and some few activities in journalism.
                After the architectural studies, I also completed a PR correspondence course at Freie
                Journalistenschule Berlin which I finished some weeks ago with the grade 1.7. PR for
                me is what I use meanwhile in order to finance my life as an athlete. Unless you are
                a football player, biathlon athlete, tennis player or something similar, it takes much
                more than the purely athletic performance to be able to finance your life with sport.  WIR DENKEN IN TISCHEN.
                I negotiate my own sponsor contracts, cultivate my communication channels and con-
                tacts with the press. Good PR for oneself is really a fulltime office job.
                                                                                    DIE ERSTE STEHLEUCHTE MIT
                r In February, you had to take a break due to undergoing rehabilitation? What
                had happened? In view of your injury, did you also start thinking what your life  PERFEKTER DOPPELT ASYMME
                could be like without competitive sports?
                Over the past years, I regrettably had to cope with some serious falls which, fortu-  TRISCHER LICHTVERTEILUNG.
                nately, always ended well, yet my right shoulder often suffered. In December, I had
                the damages repaired in an operation before they could really cause problems. This
                was more of a preventive measure so that I can continue my active career for a few
                more years. I have already often imagined a life without competitive sports and, with  Die Stehleuchte Lightpad passt sich aufgrund ihrer Modularität perfekt
                the architectural studies and PR, I am also well prepared. For the time being, howev-  jeder Tischkonfiguration an. Leuchtenköpfe mit drei unterschiedlichen
                er, I enjoy the life of an athlete and the travelling that comes with it far too much. At  Abstrahlcharakteristiken sichern die optimale Lichtverteilung von bis
                this point in time, I cannot imagine changing my career and I hope that I will be able
                                                                                    zu 4 Arbeitsplätzen – dank des modularen Konzepts gelingt dies mit
                to continue as an athlete for some additional years.
                                                                                    nur einem Standrohr.
                r Would working in an architectural office thus be an option for you? What do
                your future wishes regarding the profession look like?              Die optimierte Anordnung der LED und die kompakte Sandwichbau-
                Theoretically, I can imagine working in the field of architecture but certainly not if it  weise garantieren erstklassiges Licht bei minimaler Höhe. Bedingt
                is only an office job. Sitting in an office for eight or more hours a day is an absolute  durch die unterschiedlichen Leuchtenköpfe ist Lightpad die erste Steh-
                horror for me. Architecture still strongly appeals to me but until now I have no clear
                                                                                    leuchte, die je nach Tischkonfiguration die perfekte Lichtverteilung
                idea of how we could come together again. In the meantime, there are numerous
                route networks and complete infrastructures for mountain bikers planned in the  garantiert – bis hin zur perfekten doppelt asymmetrischen.
                mountainous regions. There is a shift in pure hiking tourism. Tourist areas are also
                becoming aware of this. A job in this field would be a possibility; a further one would
                be working as a journalist in the context of architecture. I am convinced that the
                future holds something exciting for me.
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