Page 61 - AIT0319_E-Paper
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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
                auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
                in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an ihrem
                ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.
                Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme
                in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen
                and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi!
                Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

                T  hat looks great," he said. Yeah, it did, certainly, well, sort of. The stackable furni-  opposite the SPD party headquarters. A wide oak staircase leads up. She lives on the
                                                                              second floor. I have informed myself about the latest furnishing trends and put them
                   ture was new and colourful, the surfaces smooth, the frames were made of light,
                polished wood. They reminded me of boxes. We sat on the carpet, in a kind of shaft,  on a list: retro look, hygge, mid-century style, greenery, industrial chic, upcycling. The
                surrounded by the stackable furniture, which one could use as a cupboard and table,  hallway is long and dark, the ceilings are high, the apartment is huge. "But I only live
                perhaps also as a buffer stop or bunker wall. He proudly mentioned the company  in one room." "How big?" She looks around in surprise and walks through it, once
                name, I understood something like "Flottolotto" and the group nodded approvingly. It's  lengthwise, once crosswise. "20 square metres." "Isn't that too small?" Once again, she
                the  young people! Every trend researcher, every market analyst, every futurologist  looks around in surprise. "No, I don't need it to be any bigger." The room is bright, with
                knows that. They are the conquerors, discoverers, innovators, without them nothing  a loft bed, a platform, and a green carpet. I keep my eyes open, looking for hygge and
                works in art, fashion, music, and design. If you want to find out about the latest design  mid-century and retro looks. And I discover, after all, a silvery painted gypsum deer
                trends, you have to go to Milan to attend the Furniture Fair or you have to take a look  above the bed. "It's from Grandpa, I upcycled it." Susu smiles, is pleased about the
                at the homes of young people. "In fact, only those who design cups are immortal. Cups  trendy term she used. I ask what is important to her about the furnishings. "Strings of
                and plates are always left over at every breakup of a household." So, he had bought a  lights, one is under the loft bed." I'm looking at the green carpet, pretending to know:
                set of crockery for the angular cubic cupboards that was about as angular, colourful  "Ah, greenery!" "Greene ... what?" She stops and wonders. "It should be fluffy so you
                and impractical as his modular furniture. It was called "FlashOne" and cost a lot, but  can enjoy sitting on it." I ask what would be particularly important to her in her own
                if you owned it, you could be sure to be absolutely up-to-date. This was how we cele-  four walls and she answers: "We have painted over everything." Susu rummages out
                brated the housewarming party in the first                                               two cups, a collection cup  with a gold rim
                own flat of my fellow student many years ago.                                            ("This one was here already!") and a cup from
                He  had  unusable  furniture,  unusable  cups,                                           the "FlashOne" tableware with a broken han-
                they were trendy, and he was happy.                                                      dle ("I found it on the street!") and pours tea.
                Berlin in spring 2019. New tenants in the apart -                                        "You coated what?" "Our wall paintings so the
                ment building. The young couple stood in the                                             real estate guys can't leave them in their
                hallway, surrounded by their household goods                                             offices, as a Berlin souvenir." She no longer
                and two furniture-packing friends. One of them                                           speaks of the apartment, she speaks of the
                shouted, "Wow, that's absolutely fab." I looked                                          closed  youth centre, of broken politicians'
                around.  What did he possibly refer to?                                                  promises, of the kids who cried on the last day.
                Definitely not this thing... "Cool, shabby chic,"                                        My gaze wanders from the silver deer over the
                said the other one. Shabby chic? A sofa stood                                            green carpet to the chippy cups. I'm listening,
                in the hallway. One that we architecture stu-                                            thoughts wandering  along: What would  the
                dents wouldn't even have picked from bulky                                               youth centre have to do  with the topic of
                waste back then. With baroque scrolls made of                                            "Living" of the current issue,  what  would it
                plastic, gold from the spray paint can, and a                                            have  to  do with  architecture, what with
                cover patterned like the wallpaper in a pub's                                            design? The furnishing was nothing but a mud-
                back room. They bravely grasped the sofa from                                            dle, no architect, no designer had ever touched
                the mail-order company and hefted it up to the                                           a  beer  glass,  let  alone  designed  it.  Only  the
                fourth floor. Followed by an "old German" tel-                                           walls, they  were like  works of art, bright,
                evision chair, which even an Upper Bavarian  Foto: Benjamin Reding                       colourful, chaotic. What should be featured in
                farmer  would  have  spurned  as  "gruesome".                                            an architecture magazine? Notes on exorbitant
                "That's the hottest piece, totally retro," the                                           rents and speculation? Criticism of the greed of
                helper shouted and the young couple smiled happily. And for me it became a certainty:  the real estate industry? Despair at the break-up of our society? That something is
                I'm out, I'm old, I'm out. I don't know anything about the design desires of young peo-  wrong when the same people are always standing at the reverse vending machines: old
                ple. Is that supposed to change? It has to! Susu Carrot is an influencer. She doesn't care,  people, handicapped people, migrants? Or would this overstretch the format, abuse the
                but she is an influencer because she was on TV! Hundreds of thousands have seen it.  column, make the reader bored, angry, feel underestimated? Would it have been right
                She had to hand over a key to a councilman who closed a youth centre where she used  in 1932 to warn against the emerging dictator in the forerunner of AIT, or to praise Rudi
                to work, on an honorary basis. The building is being sold. To a London real estate firm.  Dutschke in 1968, or to point out the dangers of nuclear energy in 1977? Or isn't it just
                At a great profit. Susu Carrot is not Susu Carrot, but in the youth centre where she used  the other way around, isn't art always the answer to realities, the attempt to improve
                work, they all had names of their own choice: Leopard Weasel, World Conquering Tiger,  them, to overcome them? Isn't the silver deer an expression of protest just as much as
                The Beast from the East. Susu, this must come from Susan. And Carrot? She doesn't  demonstrations against the closure of a youth centre? Isn't a well-designed chair at least
                have a somehow "vegetable" surname and she doesn't have red hair either, but maybe  as sustainable as saving the Hambach Forest? Or is it too vapid, too simple, too prim-
                she used to dye it. Susu is 22  years old,  works on the exhibition design at the  itive, too ... "Crack! Clank! Splash!" The tea runs over the table, dissolves into trickles,
                Humboldt-Forum, and moved into her first own apartment two months ago. Her first  drips onto the carpet. "Shabby chic", Susu says, looks at the broken handle and pushes
                flat! Her first! own! apartment! I ask her if I could come and visit her, no, I beg. And she  the shards of the "FlashOne" cup together. "Do you want to come to the demo for the
                agrees. The apartment is located in an old building on  Wilhelmstrasse, diagonally  rescue of the youth centre? It's about to start." I’m considering it. "Yes," I say.

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