Page 111 - AIT0319_E-Paper
P. 111

Entwurf • Design Yonder, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Daniel Häßler, Tuttlingen
                                                                                        Standort • Location Schwarzwaldstraße 2, Tuttlingen
                                                                                                                                          Foto: Uwe Dietz, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Bruttogeschossfläche • Gross floor space 234 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Brigida Gon zá lez, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 174

                                                                                        HAUS D.

                                                                                        NEAR TUTTLINGEN

                                                                                        With Haus D. near  Tuttlingen in southern Baden-
                                                                                        Württemberg, the Stuttgart Yonder architectural office
                                                                                        once again proves its skills: Despite difficult conditions,
                                                                                        a kind of architecture was produced which has major
                                                                                        value as to appearance as well as function. Like al -
                                                                                        ways, however, here as well this requires a client who
                                                                                        fully trusts his architects.

                                                                                        T  hat contemporary architecture in the rural areas continues to be
                                                                                           very difficult is something open-minded building clients as well as
                                                                                        committed architects know full  well. Anything out of the ordinary
                                                                                        almost always seems to call for a belligerent and, unfortunately, often
                                                                                        also litigious neighbour. To consider Haus D. shown here to be more
                                                                                        than the famous exception to the rule would therefore be premature,
                                                                                        even though there was no trouble with the local residents in this case.
                                                                                        What saved peace in the community of Möhringen, which has 4,000 in -
                                                                                        ha bitants and, since the 1970s, has belonged to the city of Tuttlingen,
                                                                                        was probably above all the fact that one hardly notices the black house
                Grundriss Ebene 1 • Floor plan Level 1                                  in the villagescape since it is hidden from view on all sides by large
                                                                                        neighbouring buildings. Thus just a narrow driveway between two hou-
                                                                                        ses leads to the property. All along, the plot has belonged to the adja-
                                                                                        cent farmstead and has now been handed down in the family to the
                                                                                        next generation. The young client, so to speak, moved from his teen
                                                                                        room right into his own home next door. For constructing it, he com-
                                                                                        missioned the Stuttgart architects Katja Knaus and Benedikt Bosch. The
                                                                                        latter is originally also from Tuttlingen; the two men have known each
                                                                                        other for many years. The cooperation was correspondingly full of trust!
                                                                                        For the ascending terrain, Knaus and Bosch designed a ground plan
                                                                                        which spirals up. From the ground-level integrated carport, six larger
                                                                                        and smaller differences in level lead up to the roof terrace. The spatial
                                                                                        and constructive key element for this is an intersection of two massive
                                                                                        concrete walls. The outer walls and the roof, in contrast, are designed
                                                                                        as light-weight timber constructions and covered with a black textile or
                                                                                        sheet-metal skin respectively. The geometry follows the form of the pro-
                                                                                        perty and the legal clearance areas. The interior was designed by using
                                                                                        budget-friendly plasterboard and plenty of timber, here maritime pine.
                                                                                        A few colourful pieces of furniture add deli berate accents. The house
                                                                                        thus proves in the most attractive way that the current Austerity Chic à
                                                                                        la Arno Brandlhuber is not only a metropolitan phenomenon but also
                Grundriss Ebene 2 • Floor plan Level 2      Konzeptzeichnung • Concept drawing  succeeds quite well out in the country.

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