Page 57 - AIT0318_E-Paper
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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
                auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
                in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an
                ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

                Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific
                theme in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture
                in Aachen and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint
                motion picture “Oi! Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

                G   ijon is really ugly. Obviously, the brochures describe it in a completely different  ments. He was 20, at most. During dinner at the hotel there was excitement. The
                    way: "Historic old town, beautiful beaches, wonderful Asturias, Art Nouveau
                                                                              Chinese tourist group was gone. Without having to pay the bill. The waiter explained
                Teatro, exciting nightlife, Bay of Biscay, l´Atlantique, tres beau, fantastic! " But it's def-  it to me with his hands and feet. "They didn't pay. Can you believe that?!" I imagined
                initely not like that. The beach is artificially piled up and surrounded by skyscrapers,  the group fleeing from the coast of Asturias to the South China Sea in pedal boats to
                the real beach is covered with rocks and miles away from the town. The old town  save themselves the cost of bread rolls in the "El Rey" hotel. No, I couldn't believe it.
                looks as "historic" as if it had been designed by a North Korean film company, the  The next day I returned to the rocky bay. The beach was deserted, what it had to be,
                "nightlife" is not "exciting", but non-existent and the Teatro is not Art Nouveau, but  because it was forbidden to swim, surf or even be here. Out at sea, I discovered the
                just plain historicism. I really didn't want to go there. I don't actually know how to  surfer. He paddled on his board, waited for the right moment, the right wave, pushed
                take a vacation. But there was this call. A colleague's film was supposed to be shot  himself up and rode on the crest, his arms spread out for balance. Then he sank
                in Gijon and wasn't produced. The hotel room was ready, the flight was booked, and  down with the wave and the ride started all over again. I remembered the dolphins
                the Federal Film Board had already paid for everything. So, I jumped on a plane to  off Ancona. For hours they had jumped up and down next to the ferryboat in a
                get there. "Do not walk here!" The rusty metal plate on its thin chain swayed back  power-sapping, self-forgotten game. In front of the cave, T-shirts were drying in the
                and forth. Here, they didn't even bother to write it in the local language. I'm sure all  wind. I went in without asking. It wasn't a cave, just a spacious recess in the rock.
                the locals were aware of it. Dramatically steep, following the topography in a wild  Inside dry, solid sand, a sleeping bag on the floor, a wet-waved surf magazine and
                zigzag, the steps meandered down the cliffs to the beach. They were crooked, tread-  an MP3 player next to it, a pile of socks and underpants and a net of oranges dan-
                ed out and mossy and  actually looked a bit                                             gling from a nail. "You have to eat the
                dangerous. "Three tourists fell down. Then they                                         oranges!"  The  young surfer stood in  the
                closed it."  The  waiter in the hotel restaurant                                        entrance. He took one orange from the net,
                explained it to me over breakfast. It is not                                            stretched it out to me. "Totally firm fruit flesh,
                allowed to swim there anymore. At the next                                              fantastically sweet." And then he enthusiasti-
                table, a group of tourists from China sat laugh-                                        cally explained the taste of an orange, as if no
                ing and looking at us. "I hope, they  weren't                                           one had ever tasted this fruit before. "Where
                injured?" I asked. The waiter shook his head                                            do  you get  your food from?" I regretted the
                vigorously. "No, they are dead." The hotel was                                          question. Where do you think? Had I imagined
                called "El Rey" and was not located next to the                                         that he  would hunt his food like a
                high-rise buildings on the beach, with a view of                                        Neanderthal? "From the supermarket," he said,
                the sea, and not in the old town, with a view of                                        and then, full of enthusiasm, "Did you see it?"
                the tiled roofs, but in between, with a view of a                                       I surfed a barrel. The wave was at least three
                hotel building like the "El Rey" itself. You'll be                                      metres high, really big waves today, that was
                living here for two weeks, I thought to myself                                          totally  wicked, so  wicked!" His eyes glowed,
                and sighed. And sighed. I spent my time hiking,                                         delighted, almost transfigured. Then the shin-
                walking to the rocky cliffs, crossing the warning                                       ing eyes disappeared and he looked serious,
                sign and climbing down the steep steps. The                                             worried, into the distance with an open gaze as
                beach  was  narrow,  the  sand  wet,  greasy  and                                       if he understood that behind us,  where  we
                grey, the sky cloudy, but the cliffs were beauti-  Foto: Fabian Noichl                  assert success, income, honour and doctorate,
                ful, high and rusty red and surrounded the bay                                          is nothing. "You have to surf, too. This is so
                like two protective, earth-crusted hands.                                               much fun!" Now he smiled again. I nodded
                "Really strong swell today. Ideal for carving." I nodded although I did not understand  politely. "Do you live here all the time?" "No, only in the summer and autumn." "And
                what the voice meant and turned around. Behind me stood a surfer, slender, tanned,  apart from that?" "Where they allow me to stay." I wanted to ask more questions,
                long haired, with his board under his arm. His red-blond beard blurred his age.  but he wanted to get out and I got cold. He took his surfboard and looked at the
                Maybe he was in his early twenties, maybe late 20s. "Beautiful waves", I said and  evening sky. "The weather's gonna be great, nice and windy, so I'll paddle out and
                thought a surfer would like to hear that. He shook his head. "No, too high, they will  find the perfect wave, you bet?" I went home through the old town, where it was
                take me out. Wipe out." He smiled. What else could I say? I don't know anything  quiet and smelled of fish and diesel oil. The night was stormy, the morning sunny,
                about surfing. "Do you live in Gijon, too, in one of the hotels?" "Nope." He pointed  for the first time in these two  weeks. And the Chinese  were back. In a good-
                towards the rock face. My eyes were looking for a house at the top, but I found noth-  humoured mood they had breakfast at the table next to mine. It was a misunder-
                ing. "In a car, a caravan?" He rolled a cigarette with one hand, pulled out a pack of  standing, they took the wrong hotel," the waiter explained. Then he bent over and
                matches, lit one, protected the flame with his tanned hand, lit the cigarette, inhaled  whispered into my ear. "Did you hear it? Someone drowned at the beach, yesterday
                the smoke, pointed back to the rock face and said: "Over there." Now I saw it. At the  night. It's not allowed to be there, the rocks, you know, too dangerous." He gave me
                foot of the rock face there was an opening, like to a cave. "Is it okay to live here?"  the coffee pot. "Another coffee, Sir?" The beach was deserted, as usual. Only in front
                "No." Then he strolled with his surfboard towards the sea. "Today I'll catch the per-  of the cave, there were police tapes blowing and crackling in the wind. The police
                fect wave, you just have to find it." He waved exuberantly. Very young, soft move-  had already collected his belongings, the cave was empty.

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