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Entwurf • Design Joshua Lux Innenarchitektur, Wiesbaden
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Gregor Bernd, Frankfurt/Main
                                                                                    Standort • Location Bockenheimer Landstr. 47, Frankfurt
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 150 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Christopher Castela Soares
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    GREGOR´S BOUTIQUE

                                                                                    IN FRANKFURT/MAIN

                                                                                    Joshua Lux brings the big, wide world of wine into an
                                                                                    atmospherically dense and sheltered world. Here you
                                                                                    are allowed to be yourself, here you are welcome, you
                                                                                    may enjoy, have good conversations and let the world be
                                                                                    the world. It is immediately noticeable that every wine
                                                                                    that has found its way into Gregor’s Vinothek inscribes its
                                                                                    own narrative of its specific history into this room.

                                                                                    T   he head of the Vinothek is Gregor Bernd, a winemaker who was
                                                                                        trained in the Rheingau and an oenologist who subsequently stu-
                                                                                    died in Vienna. Wine is his life, how could it be otherwise. But the
                                                                                    marvellous thing is that you can feel it whenever you are fortunate to be
                                                                                    spending time in these premises. Every single bottle, every single guest
                                                                                    ends up finding the perfect place here. Joshua Lux knows how to trans-
                                                                                    late the process that a wine goes through directly and sensually into a
                                                                                    built reality. The chosen materials, the colour moods and the details tell
                                                                                    of the vast and diverse world of wine. And yes, it is not only relevant
                                                                                    how and where the wine was grown and matured, it is also important
                                                                                    in whose company you enjoy it and where you buy it. That’s why there
                                                                                    are intimate seating areas, cosy benches and stools edged with original
                                                                                    Steiff stuffed animal skins and the dark oak wood used to construct the
                                                                                    shelves that are reminiscent of old vines as well as old friendships that
             Grundriss • Floor Plan                                                 have grown over a large number of years. The long, spacious bar that
                                                                                    has been made of light-coloured natural stone conjures up images of
                                                                                    specific cultural and wine-growing landscapes, and the traces of time
                                                                                    and guests will in future be visible on the bar’s brass plate and the dark
                                                                                    steel surfaces. And that’s actually a good thing. The customized GRAPES
                                                                                    luminaire installation welcomes guests warmly and brightly, making
                                                                                    them want to stay longer than planned, yet there is still a relaxed and
                                                                                    light atmosphere that makes you feel obliged neither to consume nor to
                                                                                    buy. You can also just be there and enjoy the atmosphere. Wine culture
                                                                                    can be or, rather, is, many things in one: philosophy, craftsmanship and
                                                                                    nature. That is Joshua Lux’s greatest trick, that this can be experienced,
                                                                                    that neither the “product” wine nor this guest- and sales room seems
                                                                                    unapproachable. No, everything here is connected to the earth and the
                                                                                    sky, growth and the “spirit of wine” in the overriding sense can be felt,
                                                                                    knowledge and experience can be passed on here. The spatial concept
                                                                                    is accompanied by a graphic guidance system developed by Studio acth.
                                                                                    No questions remain unanswered, you can let yourself fall into a room
             Isometrie • Isometric                                                  immersed in dark green without having to think about tomorrow.

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