Parco dei Principi (AIT 10.2020)
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Weitere Beiträge aus der Serie »Living in icons«

Zuhause sein (AIT 1/2.2024)
Villa Winternitz is the last work of Adolf Loos and his Czech partner Karel Lhota. The property is also a test …
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Town Hall Säynätsalo (AIT 5.2023)
The town hall of the small central-Finland town of Säynätsalo is considered one of Alvar Aalto’s key works. Ne …
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The Schminke House (AIT 6.2022)
The Schminke House is one of four outstanding examples of the Neues Bauen and the International Style movement …
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Tautes Heim (AIT 11.2021)
The house in the south of Berlin called Tautes Heim by its owners Katrin Lesser and Ben Buschfeld is architect …
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Briol (AIT 6.2021)
An unusual place with an equally unusual (family) history: at the end of the 1920s, Johanna Settari, widow and …
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House on the Alb (AIT 5.2021)
In the time between the construction of the Stuttgart Weissenhofsiedlung and the takeover by the National Soci …