| 15. November 2023 – On-Site

Blue-green Transformation
New impulse for a liveable urban space using the example of Raalte

Never before has climate change been as apparent as it has been this year, with historical heat records, fires and extreme floods. According to current climate research, these weather extremes are expected to increase in the future. This poses a challenge of growing importance in the fields of planning and construction because adapting urban structures consistently and uncompromisingly to the impacts of climate change is a significant contribution to maintaining the quality of life in cities.

This is precisely where the ACO On-Site format comes into play. Using the example of the Dutch city of Raalte, the successful and innovative transformation into a climate-resilient, sustainable and liveable urban space through blue-green infrastructure is described. In collaboration with IAA Architecten and experts, as well as with the involvement of the municipality and civil society, ACO has developed a smart irrigation system that ensures efficient, demand-driven and sustainable watering of urban trees.

As part of the event series, the design and innovative technology are presented from various perspectives. The Raalte project serves as an exemplary and forward-looking contribution to the adaptation of cities, municipalities and their districts and neighbourhoods to climate change on different scales.

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