beyond | architecture across continents #4

The digital series – architecture across continents ran for the fourth time on 26 April 2022 at 5pm CET! The virtual journey to renowned architects and exceptional building projects took us to Spain, Vietnam and Austria this time: Our keynote speakers Alberto Veiga (Barozzi Veiga, ES-Barcelona) and Võ Tr?ng Ngh?a (VTN Architects, VN-Ho Chi Minh City) once again addressed the challenges that require rethinking and changing the way we deal with resources and, consequently, building, worldwide due to climate change, demographic trends and social responsibility. Daniel Zimmermann (3:0 Landscape Architecture, AT-Vienna) and Christopher Peiritsch (ACO) present the “Sponge Cities for Trees” on site.

> Watch the rerun HERE

The event is aimed at architects, urban/landscape planners and engineers. It will be held in English. Audio channels in many other languages are available.

The livestream is accredited as a professional education program by various german chambers of architects and planners.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:


The Topic


AIT-Dialog and ACO jointly invite you to the virtual event series “”, which focuses on responsible architecture in times of global transformation and changing conditions as well as climatic challenges. Four times a year, renowned architects from seven continents – Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica – discuss various topics and examine the issue from an ecological, social, societal and economic perspective. The focus is on trendsetting building projects that respond innovatively, experimentally and sustainably to the consequences of change on a global and local level as well as to extreme conditions on site, emphasizing the responsible use of resources and incorporating local construction techniques and building materials.

Under the motto “beyond”, we ask the question: What does responsible planning of tomorrow’s architecture and city look like, which breaks new ground outside of standards and norms as well as common building techniques and materials? The task of current architecture, urban planning and the built environment in urban and rural areas is to respond flexibly to the changing demands both on the part of the users and in relation to their environment, and to open up new possibilities of use through transformation extending its original function. The focus is on buildings that achieve “more” beyond aesthetic demands and functional criteria, refer to and fit into their context in the sense of Responsive Architecture; are adapted to social and climatic conditions; and are built under fair working conditions and with a sense of social responsibility.

During the events we will take you “On Site” on a virtual trip to extraordinary construction sites around the world, showing building projects under extreme conditions. The focus will be on topics that ACO has set itself as a goal, such as groundwater protection, water management, innovative ways to holistic stormwater and drainage management, and supporting the natural water cycle.

In cooperation with:

The Keynote Speakers

On Site

Archive | 2 March 2021 | 10 June 2021 | 7 October 2021

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