Page 5 - AIT1015_Zuerich
P. 5

SPIEGEL-Verlag, Hamburg

                Foto: Heinz Unger

                Die Confiserie Sprüngli am Paradeplatz – teilweise gestaltet von Stefan Zwicky (18). • Confiserie Sprüngli at Paradeplatz – partly designed by S. Zwicky. (18)

                10.30 a.m. – Then we proceed to the  Toni Areal (2) –  8.45 p.m. – The Studio 4/ Filmpodium cinema (12) is
                named after the f ormer Toni dairy. In addition to the  not only worth a visit for its classic as well as extrava-
                Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)  we here also f ind  gant films but also b ecause of its building by Bauhaus
                the Sc haudepot of  the Museum f ür Gestaltung   with  student R oman C lemens f rom  1948/49 – one of
                changing exhibitions. Its roof terrace allows an impres-  Switzerland’s most important monuments of the classic
                sive view of a magnificent garden as well as of Zurich.  post-war period.
                12.30 p.m. – In time f or lunch, we reach the f amous  10.30 p.m. – Not far from the cinema stands the grand
                Kronenhalle restaurant (3). Classic Swiss meals are ser-  five-star Hotel Baur au L ac Hotel (1 3). In its bar  and
                ved here. While watching the c olourful goings-on in a  pavilion, we in st yle complete the da y with its nume-
                classic atmosphere and admiring paintings by Chagall,  rous impressions.
                Mirò, Braque, Matisse and other  great artists,  we can
                gather new energy for the second part of the day.  Sunday: Marcel Breuer, Le Corbusier and Co.
                1.30 p.m. – Fortified, we set out on a  walk through the
                centre. As part of a redesign, in 2009 Sigmar Polke crea-  10 a.m. – On f oot or by public transport, in les s than
                ted seven mo dern  windows  with the semi-pr ecious  half an hour  we reach Doldertal (14), a str eet at  the
                stone a gate f or the  Grossmünster (4 ), one of  Adlisberg where, in 1935/36, architects Alfred and Emil  Trennwandsysteme von Strähle
                Switzerland’s most important Roman churches.   Roth together with Marcel Breuer built a housing  com-  verbinden und teilen
                2 p .m. – Af ter just a f ew minutes,  we ar e at  Hobel  plex ranking among   the main e xamples of the “New
                Genossenschaft (5) – m y f avourite c arpenter’s  work-  Building” in Zurich.            öffnen und schließen
                shop. Since 1945, it has not onl y been manufacturing  Noon – Then we descend the mountain a gain to the  schützen und schonen
                furniture but also b een responsible for interior fittings,  banks of  L ake  Zurich. P ast the  Utoquai Seebad (15)
                renovations and conversions. In the shop in Neumar kt  from 1890, a popular meeting place particularly in sum-
                8, one f inds tables and c hairs and  various  wooden  mer, we quickly reach a very special – and also the last
                accessories. A bit further on, the neumarkt 17 (6) home  – work by architect and artist L e Corbusier which he
                furnishing store has a selection of  classic and mo  dern  built to gether  with his c lose confidante Heidi  Weber:
                design pieces in an architecturally unique ambience.   the Heidi Weber Museum (16). From the beginning, it
                3 p.m. – The TeeCafé Schwarzenbach (7) offers special  was planned as a museum to p ermanently display the
                teas and coffees as well as home-made c akes. When I  works by Le Corbusier.
                was commissioned with the r edesign in 2007, my aim  1 p.m. – If you are lucky to visit the city in November of
                was to spatially capture the theme of coffee and tea.    this year, a detour to the north of  Zurich is worth it, to
                3.45 p.m. – From there we continue to the architektur-  the  “neue räume” design exhibition (17) in the ABB
                forum Zurich (8). Changing exhibitions focus on c on-  Hall. The biennial trade-fair gives a survey of the current
                temporary ar chitecture and ur ban development.  trends in inter ior design. One c an be inspired by con-
                Afterwards, shopping in the delicatessa*** department  temporary furniture by renowned as well as young desi-
                (9) of the traditional Globus store is well worth it. Here  gners and visit special exhibition and enjoy vegetarian
                as well, I was in charge of the interior which forms the  delicacies from Hiltl.
                atmospheric background for the delicacies.    4 p .m. – As the c ulmination, I r ecommend  visiting
                6.30 p .m. –  Those  who lik e c lassic F rench c uisine  Confiserie Spr üngli (18) at P aradeplatz – not onl  y
                should reserve a table for dinner at Brasserie Lipp (10)  because of the façade and the ground floor I designed.
                in Bahnhofs strasse. In the Belle Ép oque atmospher e,  Since 1836, the f amily enterprise has b een combining
                excellent meals and c hoice wines are served here. For  traditional craftsmanship and innovation of the highest
                those with more rustic and urban tastes, we very much  standard. As a sp ecial exhibition “neue räume in the
                recommend the Palestine Grill (11) in Langstrasse with  city”, here as in various stores the windows are staged
                grilled pita bread and tasty stuffing.   with design highlights from the trade-fair. ·
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