Page 6 - AIT0422_Kopenhagen
P. 6

Stilvoll Platz nehmen.

             Jacobsens Frühwerk in Skovshoved und Klampenborg (20) • Skovshoved and Klampenborg (20)

             and his office 1+1=1 Architects. A small snack on the narrow terrace of the rooftop re-
             staurant is highly recommended; from there you can watch the hustle and bustle of
             the city centre as if from a box seat. If you have children, you should definitely visit
             the Tivoli (19), the oldest amusement park in the world. In the middle of the park
             is the concert hall designed by Hans Hansen and Frits Schlegel, a wonderful and
              well-preserved gem from the 1950s. To end the day, we recommend a final detour to
             the suburbs of Skovshoved and Klampenborg (20). Both towns are almost synony-
             mous with the early work of Arne Jacobsen. Here he built the famous harbour petrol
             station and the ensemble on Bellevue Beach with the Bellavista apartment building  Fordern Sie hier Ihren kostenlosen,
             and the Bellevue Theatre. With sand on our feet and a view of the sea, we say good-
             bye to Copenhagen at this point.                                                  digitalen Katalog an:

             Der von Sandra Hofmeister herausgegebene Band Køben-                                           KOLLEKTION
             havn – Urbane Architektur und öffentliche Räume doku-                                          2022
             mentiert zahlreiche Projekte und Interventionen, die Ko-
             penhagen in den letzten Jahren zu einer Vorzeigemetro-
             pole nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung gemacht haben.
             Stadtpläne machen den Band zum idealen Tourguide.
                                                                                 @maymoebel          @maymoebel
             2021, Detail, 312 Seiten, 25,0 x 19,5 cm, 52,90 Euro ISBN 978-3-95553-531-5

                                                                                   H. MAY GmbH & Co. KG I Im Kleifeld 16 I 31275 Lehrte
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