Page 21 - AIT1218_Leseprobe
P. 21

Entwurf • Design Urban Soul Project, GR-Thessaloniki
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Eurobank, Luxemburg
                                                                                        Standort • Location Mayfair Pl., GB-London
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 256 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Kimberley Powell, GR-Thessaloniki
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 162


                                                                                        IN LONDON

                                                                                        As  a  private  bank,  Eurobank  Luxembourg  offers  its
                                                                                        clients an exclusive interior inside the listed Devonshire
                                                                                        House,  which  is  centrally  located  on  Piccadilly  in
                                                                                        London. After the new restructuring of the work areas,
                                                                                        the focus of the interior design is now on an extensive
                                                                                        art collection that gives private customers the feeling of
                                                                                        conducting their financial affairs with good friends.

                                                                                        A  s a manor house, city residence and venue for opulent celebrati-
                                                                                           ons, concerts and receptions, Devonshire House in London has
                                                                                        always had a high value for its urban surroundings. Built at the end of
                                                                                        the 17th century under the name Berkeley House, it was renamed by
                                                                                        its later owner, the first Duke of Devonshire. A fire, to which the house
                                                                                        fell victim in the middle of the 18th century, presented a perfect oppor-
                                                                                        tunity to reconstruct the building - in keeping with the prevailing zeit-
                                                                                        geist of the time - in Palladian style.  The Duke commissioned the
                                                                                        renowned architect William Kent with this project, thus giving him his
                                                                                        first building project in London. The fact that an extensive art collecti-
                                                                                        on adorned the rooms at the time has now been taken up by Urban
                                                                                        Soul Project, Eleftheria Oikonomaki and their team of architects from
                                                                                        Greece and incorporated into the redesign of these same interiors for
                                                                                        Eurobank Luxembourg. In addition to a functional extension of the pre-
                                                                                        mises to include the additional work areas, conference rooms, and
                                                                                        reception area necessary for a private bank, the new architectural
                                                                                        vocabulary was adapted to the corporate colour. Blue walls and uphol-
                                                                                        stery in combination with oak wood used for the walls and floor, as
                                                                                        well  as  matt  gold-coloured  metal  details  characterise  the  luxurious
                                                                                        interiors for clients and employees. Starting at the reception, whose
                                                                                        counters as  well as the conference table tops are made of Greek
                                                                                        Volakas marble, the L-shaped floor plan develops consistently from
                                                                                        transparent public openness to a small-scale private sphere. Room-in-
                                                                                        room systems made of glass allow both insights - and thus a feeling of
                                                                                        expanse and openness - as well as undisturbed meetings. The custo-
                                                                                        mer's path through the premises is flanked by the already mentioned
                                                                                        art collection,  which sets perceptible highlights in the surrounding
                                                                                        calm material and colour combination due to its different spectrum of
                                                                                        colours and motifs and lets the office furnishings fade into the back-
                                                                                        ground. Bank clients are given the credible feeling of walking through
                                                                                        the tastefully furnished rooms of an art collector and thus develop a
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  feeling of great privacy - like being with friends.

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