Page 5 - AIT0522_Leseprobe
P. 5

Foto: Yevhenii Avramenko, UA-Kyiv                             Foto: ater.architects, UA-Kyiv

             Friseursalon 365 Studio von Bogdanova Bureau, UA-Kyiv • Hair salon 365 Studio by Bogdanova Bureau, UA-Kyiv  Privater Wohnraum von ater.architects, UA-Kyiv • Private living space by ater.architects, UA-Kyiv

             Foto: Balbek Bureau, UA-Kyiv                                  Foto: Ivan Avdeenko Photography

             ... zur Zeit wird das Dubler Café für die Notversorgung genutzt. • ... Dubler Café is used for emergency supplies.  23A Coffee Shop von Ponomarenko Bureau, UA-Charkiw • 23A Coffee Shop by Ponomarenko Bureau, UA-Charkiw

             ater.architects: „We are Alex Ivasiv and Yuliya Tkachenko from ater.architects. We are  Yodezeen Architects: „Our main office is located in Kyiv, and our people live right there.
             writing to you on behalf of Ukrainian designers and architects. All our current projects  People from different countries, whose lives are now under duress. And the lives of all
             are stopped now. We have lost our jobs and some of us have even lost our homes.  Ukrainians! But we believe in the Ukrainian army. We believe in a promising future that
             Now we are experiencing the toughest time in history of our country. It is war here and  we build every day. We believe that we will return to our native and safe home soon.“
             the world should know what is going on and who is responsible for this. On February
             24, Russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine. Our army and nation are defending
             the freedom of the whole Europe. Civilians are in extreme danger; their houses are  V.Concept Studio: „We are the V.concept team! A team that created beautiful projects
              being attacked and destroyed by the missiles. It’s a crime against humanity.“  and brought good to the world. Our mission was "to change the human world for the
                                           better, and to make companies successful." We have always watched with great pleasure
                                                                           how lives are transformed through what we do. With great happiness, we opened an of-
              Bogdanova Bureau: „Most of our team moved from Kyiv to safer places. A few women  fice in Moscow and managed objects there. Now I don't want anything at all! The deci-
             designers and Architects stay in Europe, others in Western Ukraine, one of our collea-  sion has been made to close the office! And today our realities are as follows: Part of the
             gues joined the Ukrainian army. We are all in contact, supporting each other, and  team is constantly hiding in basements and living from shot to shot. Someone managed
             doing our best as a team. As far as the design does not actual in Ukraine, those days  to leave for western Ukraine, someone has already crossed the borders of Europe with
             we froze our projects there and keep working on our projects in Europe and the Middle  children. And it's so scary that you can't even imagine! Do you understand what is in our
             East. As Ukrainian citizens we keep supporting our country, as highly professional de-  hearts right now? People! You also have a soul and a heart, and I always say that “Toget-
             signers we keep working and creating interiors according to our philosophy of sustai-  her we are strong!“ So if everyone shows themselves against our war, we can stop it! We
             nable luxury.“                        can do everything, the desire is important! STOP WAR!

                                                                                                                            AIT 5.2022 • 011
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