Page 4 - AIT0522_Leseprobe
P. 4



                                                                                                                                      Foto: Yevhenii Avramenko, UA-Kyiv

            Balbek Bureau hat das Dubler Café gestaltet, in dem der Architekt und Bürogründer Salva Balbek Mitinhaber ist – ... • Balbek Bureau has designed the Dubler Café, of which architect and office founder Salva Balbek is co-owner - ...

            Die Innen-/Architekturszene in der Ukraine ist jung, unkonventionell,  Balbek Bureau: „I`m Yevheniia Ryzhak from Balbek Bureau. Today, contrary to 'nor-
            engagiert – erfrischend anders. Gerne haben wir darüber berichtet –  mal' life at Dubler, it is the coordination headquarters of a wartime kitchen. The cafe
            zuletzt über das Tattoostudio 6:19 in Kiew von Balbek Bureau, das  staff, several colleagues from balbek bureau have opted to volunteer and provide the
            unser Titelbild der AIT 1/2.2022 ziert. Umso mehr erschüttert uns ak-  frontline workers with food. They and other 14 restaurants cook and deliver 10 000 to
            tuell das persönliche Schicksal vieler junger Innen-/Architekturbüros  12 000 portions of warm meals daily.“
            aus Kiew, mit denen wir zuletzt in Verbindung standen. Wie sie auf
            den Kriegszustand in ihrem Heimatland reagieren, haben sie uns ge-  Bolshakova Interiors: „On this day, our strong team, like all women in our unbreakable
            schrieben. Wir veröffentlichen hier, bewusst unkommentiert, einige  Ukraine, wish for peace and victory! For weeks now, our country has been bravely and
            der Originaltexte und Projektbilder – aus Solidarität und mit Respekt.  courageously fighting against Russian aggression. The people of our country are united
                                                                          and together they are going to win! Many Ukrainian women have volunteered for mili-
            The interior/architecture scene in Ukraine is young, unconventional,  tary service and are defending our country!“
            committed. We have enjoyed reporting on it – most recently on the
            Kiev tattoo studio 6:19 by Balbek Bureau, our cover image of AIT  Sivak+Partners: „Hi! We are an interior design studio from Ukraine. Now we are expe-
            1/2.2022. All the more shocking is the personal fate of many young  riencing the toughest time in the history of our country. We try to do what we can to
            (interior) architecture studios in Kiev we have been in contact with re-  help our armed forces and to make our country capable to stand in this challenging
            cently. They have written to us about how they are reacting to the  time. On 24th of February our work stopped and we closed our offices. Now we under-
            state of war in their home country. Out of solidarity and respect, we  stand that we must focus and keep working to support our country. We are not begging
            publish some of the texts and project images without comment.  for help, we want to work!“

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