Page 47 - AIT1218_E-Paper
P. 47

Capital Folly, 2017
                                                                                von • by Emily Allchurch


                                                                              Emily Allchurch works with photography and digital collage to re -

                                                                              construct  Old  Master  paintings  and  prints  from  a  contemporary

                                                                              pers pective. Adopting the compositional framework of these origi-

                                                                              nal images has evolved as a useful device to allow her own explo-

                                                                              rations around architecture, place, and culture to emerge, infusing

                                                                              the present-day with a sense of history. It is essential that she uses

                                                                              her own photography in her work, meticulously selecting and seam -

                                                                                lessly splicing hundreds of photographic elements, in order to con-

                                                                              struct a narrative that represents a journey she has made, com-

                                                                              pressed into a single scene. Presenting the work as lightboxes ma -

                                                                              xi mises their thea tricality, and creates a window into another world.

                                                                              For many years Allchurch has been drawn to the etchings of Pira -

                                                                              nesi as a vehicle for her own expression and commentary on con-
                                                                              temporary society. Her series Urban Chia ros curo (page 8-9) recrea -

                                                                              ted several of Piranesi’s Carceri plates from photographs she took in

                                                                              London, Rome and Paris – offering a visual medi tation on the claus-

                                                                              trophobic climate of fear and the prevalence of the technology of

                                                                              surveillance in city environments today. In Ca pi tal Folly Emily All -

                                                                              church re-constructs Piranesi’s capriccio of a Roman har bour, from

                                                                              architectural details around the centre of government in Whitehall,

                                                                              London and Liver pool. Whilst the soaring composition presents an

                                                                              impressive citadel, closer inspection, as evidenced by the smoulde -

                                                                              ring pyre to the left, heralds potentially troubled times ahead, with

                                                                              political  and  economic  uncertainty,  and  growing  ine qua lity of

                                                                              wealth. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi (page 68-69) reinterprets Pira -

                                                                              nesi’s fantasy view of the ancient Appian Way, as a tale of two

                                                                              cities – with architectural fragments of Roman antiquity, intermin-

                                                                              gled with those of London’s past, present and future development.
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