Page 107 - AIT1217_E-Paper
P. 107

Entwurf • Design Ecker Architekten, Buchen/Heidel berg
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Land Baden-Württemberg
                                                                                        Standort • Location Hauptstraße 110, Mosbach
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 2.700 m 2
                                                                                                                                          Foto: Thilo Ross
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Brigida González, Stuttgart,
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 146

                                                                                        DISTRICT AND REGIONAL

                                                                                        COURT IN MOSBACH

                                                                                        The changed security situation necessitated the recon-
                                                                                        struction of the district and regional court in Mosbach.
                                                                                        The room concept developed by Dea Ecker and Bob
                                                                                        Piotrowski from Ecker  Architekten in Heidelberg and
                                                                                        Buchen meets the new functional requirements. At the
                                                                                        same time, modern, prestigious rooms were created that
                                                                                        combine timeless elements with historic references.

                                                                                        S  ince 1864, the local jurisdiction has been located in the premises of
                                                                                           the former Franciscan monastery in Mosbach. The four-winged com-
                                                                                        plex has accommodated both the district court and the higher regional
                                                                                        court. A prison building in the neighbouring monastery garden is used as
                                                                                        a correctional facility. Even though the region, located about 50 kilome-
                                                                                        tres east of Heidelberg at the foothills of the Odenwald forest and criss-
                                                                                        crossed by the rivers Neckar and Elz, appears tranquil, the region belongs
                                                                                        to the catchment area of Frankfurt and Mannheim, with all the problems
                                                                                        that this proximity entails. Keyword: organised crime! The region has
                                                                                        been struggling with rival rocker gangs for some years. Everyday routine
                                                                                        has also become rougher at the court in Mosbach. As a response to this,
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               the building has now been adapted to current security requirements. At
                                                                                        the same time, the rooms affected by the conversion were modified in
                                                                                        terms of fire protection and acoustics. Ecker Architekten from Heidelberg
                                                                                        and Buchen were entrusted with the corresponding planning. The main
                                                                                        concern of the planners was to separate the circulation routes of the dif-
                                                                                        ferent user groups towards the courtrooms. In the past, there were often
                                                                                        conflicts in the corridor areas, because defendants, witnesses, spectators,
                                                                                        visitors, and judges all en-tered the rooms from the same direction.
                                                                                        Today, however, defendants arrive via a new outside staircase directly
                                                                                        from the courtyard of the penal institution. The staircase was constructed
                                                                                        as a steel structure and is di-mensioned so that two policemen can flank
                                                                                        a detainee. In addition, a new entrance area was created: the original
                                                                                        vestibule was extended to provide a spacious entrance. The functional
                                                                                        equipment consists of a customised counter, built-in cabinets and a lock-
                                                                                        er system. The architects' main focus was also on the new interior design
                                                                                        of the courtrooms. They clearly separated the area of jurisdiction from the
                                                                                        rest of the room by means of a podium as well as wall and ceiling pan-
                                                                                        elling made of acoustic panels. Concealed doors invisibly merge with the
                                                                                        wall and lead to separate cameras. The design of the area for those
                                                                                        involved in the trial and the spectators clearly contrasts this. A hip-high,
                                                                                        reseda green wall panelling and dark grey acoustic panels dominate the
                Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               rear walls of the courtroom.

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