Page 111 - AIT1217_E-Paper
P. 111

Entwurf • Design OMA, NL-Rotterdam
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Rijksvastgoedbedrijf, NL-Den Haag
                                                                                        Standort • Location Rinjnstraat 8, NL-Den Haag
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 100.000 m 2
                                                                                                                                          Foto: Frans Strous
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Marco Cappelletti / Nick Guttrige
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 146


                                                                                        IN THE HAGUE

                                                                                        The Dutch government is currently restructuring the work-
                                                                                        places of its employees. In the course of this effort, the
                                                                                        architects at OMA have dissolved the outdated structure of
                                                                                        a 1990s ministry building and have, using a lot of glass, a
                                                                                        new circulation layout and flexible office structures, provi-
                                                                                        ded the right environment for contemporary work with a
                                                                                        democratically transparent outside appearance.

                                                                                        A  s digitalisation progresses, the demands on office  workstations
                                                                                           have been changing for years. In the Netherlands, the government
                                                                                        is responding to this  with a major reorganisation of its ministries
                                                                                        towards greater flexibility, efficiency and openness. The former Ministry
                                                                                        of Construction and Environment is the first step in this process.
                                                                                        Located directly next to the main railway station of The Hague, it was
                Grundriss 4. Obergeschoss • 4th floor plan                              built in 1992 by architect Jan Hoogstad as an innovative office building
                                                                                        with spacious atria. After  winning the competition, Ellen  van Loon,
                                                                                        partner in the architectural practice OMA, has transferred the existing
                                                                                        architectural characteristics to the present day. In the south, the mas-
                                                                                        sive 16-storey concrete block was opened up towards the city with a
                                                                                        glass facade. The existing pedestrian passageway in the middle of the
                                                                                        140-metre long building was widened and now forms a public square.
                                                                                        The passageway provides a connection between the station and other
                                                                                        ministries and simultaneously marks the two entrances to the building,
                                                                                        the lobbies of which are publicly accessible. The restaurant on the first
                                                                                        floor provides a convivial meeting place. The four levels above accom-
                                                                                        modate meeting and conference rooms of  varying size and quality,
                                                                                        which are used by all the ministries located in The Hague. Among them
                Grundriss 8. Obergeschoss • 8th floor plan                              is the large conference room, shielded for security reasons, whose win-
                                                                                        dowless black walls are adorned by the silhouette of ships. Light is pro-
                                                                                        vided by LEDs via an abstract globe, which is installed centrally on the
                                                                                        ceiling  and  floor.  From  the  sixth  floor  upwards,  the  Ministry  of
                                                                                        Infrastructure and Water Management, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
                                                                                        the Central Reception Office for asylum seekers and the Naturalisation
                                                                                        Office have moved in with a total of 6,000 employees. Stairways in the
                                                                                        atriums connect the levels. An adjoining corridor runs along the entire
                                                                                        length of the floor plan and serves as a fixed point for orientation in
                                                                                        the open structure. There is nothing left of individual office cells and
                                                                                        narrow corridors. Instead, work is carried out in a completely flexible
                                                                                        system comprising 3,100 desks and 2,200 additional seating options in
                                                                                        lounge zones and at meeting islands whose shared use is not only effi-
                Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     cient, but also provides for variety and interaction.

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