Page 144 - AIT1216_E-Paper
P. 144


                                                                            B   ank of Slovenia's headquarters are located on Slovenska Boulevard in Ljubl jana.
                                                                                The portal of the 1920s building is adorned by two mighty Atlants; behind this
                                                                             impressive entrance is the central lobby of the Bank of Slovenia. Before the recon-
                                                                             struction it had the character of a publicly accessible, monofunctional bank hall: it
                                                                             contained cashier desks and a mailroom. Despite its central location and formidable
                                                                             size, it was in no condition to host protocolar events – the acoustics were poor, fur-
                                                                             niture outdated and the blocked-out triple-height space was oddly proportioned. The
                                                                             Bank needed a formal space, more suitable for international protocolar events it
                                                                             hosts, and therefore launched an student competition in collaboration with Ljubl -
                                                                             jana's Faculty of architecture to gather ideas for the lobby's adaptation. The winning
                                                                             proposal from Jurij's design studio has been granted the execution of their idea. The
                                                                             students worked in close collaboration with our office and created a modern and
                                                                             sophisticated answer to the institution's demands. A complex programmatic and
                                                                             spatial reconstruction made the lobby an interactive space, intended mainly for the
                                                                             Bank's employees. The space is designed to provide a more relaxed, diverse and
                                                                             interactive work environment and at the same time create a protocolar space for
                                                                             Bank’s official events. Combining the two created a space which offers strong iden-
                                                                             tification for the employees as well as for the institution.

               Der Loungebereich ist mit dem Sessel Triglav bestuhlt. • The lounge is equipped with Triglav chairs. …   Modern work settings were created around the central space

                                                                             The monofunctional space became a frame within which several ambients and pro-
                                                                             grams were layered. The new programmatic sections, incorporated in the niches,
                                                                             intertwine in a club-like ambient without strict programmatic boundaries. A soft cur-
                                                                             tain that allows the users to regulate the level of intimacy is the only physical boun -
               Er wurde speziell für das Projekt entworfen und gebaut. • They were designed and constructed for the project.
                                                                             dary of the space. Library is placed next to the south openings; adjacent to it is a
                                                                             small self-service bar. Both are separated from the main area by a glass  wall.
                                                                             Library's program is complemented by the reading area and café extends well into
                                                                             the triple-hight space with a lounge area. Three meeting rooms are placed on the op -
                                                                             posite side of the lobby. Closing the curtain separates them from the main space and
                                                                             thus ensures privacy for informal meetings and workshops. Service spaces – such as
                                                                             the translator's room, toilettes and kitchen – are placed at the back of the lobby,
                                                                             their walls upholstered with rich blue textile that gives depth to the space. The lobby
                                                                             is furnished with a comfortable armchair Triglav, developed for this project. The new
                                                                             areas intentionally recreate a living room-like environment, where the employees
                                                                             can feel comfortable and at ease. Warm and soft materials, like textile (curtains,
                                                                             flooring, upholstery) and wood (celiling lamellas), are chosen. The area is ambien-
                                                                             tally lit. Blue, green and golden tones are complemented by neutral furniture in dark
                                                                             matte and reflective tones. This 'behind the curtains' loggia-like ambients act as
                                                                             hybrids, intended for both formal and informal usage – they can host lectures, con-
                                                                             ferences, video-conferences and seminars or can be used for individual work, infor-
                                                                             mal gatherings and meetings, for catching up on reading or taking a lunch break.
                                                                             The only means of separating the simultaneous formal usage from the informal is a
                                                                             thick, voluminous curtain.

                                                                             The counter hall was turned into a representative event hall

                                                                             The central, triple height area, is in contrast with the warm and ambiental surroun-
                                                                             dings. Its classical architecture is accentuated with stone cladding and a monochro-
                                                                             matic palette, becoming a perfect setting for protocolar events. The central space can
                                                                             be separated from other programs by enclosing the curtains around its perimeter
                                                                             and thus creating a monofunctional setting for conferences, meetings and interna-
                                                                             tional receptions. The space used to have clerestory windows, looking into the lobby
                                                                             from the upstairs' offices. These have been replaced by mouldings that repeat the
                                                                             historic division of the openings. This adjustment created a more intimate and com-
                                                                             plete atmo sphere. The lobby's main feature is a mighty chandelier, which – with its
                                                                             circular form and silver and gold materiality – simbolizes a coin as a representative
                                                                             image of the national bank. The 'levitating coin' is made of aluminium truss, lined
                                                                             with satinated tin in two shades, suspended from steel cables and mounted into the
                                                                             walls.  The chandelier centers the programmatically mixed lobby and creates a
                                                                             solemn atmosphere appropriate for the events it holds. The collaboration between
                                                                             students and the institution proved mutually fruitful – the students got an unique
                                                                             opportunity to redevelop and furbish a space of national importance and the insti-
                                                                             tution got a fresh and modern solution with a space that answers not only the initial
               Grundriss • Floor plan                                        project brief, but creates a truly inspirational work environment of the 21st century.

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