Page 89 - AIT1122_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Raúl Sánchez, ES-Madrid
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Smile2Impress
                                                                                     Standort • Location Carranza 7, ES-Madrid
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 200 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Luis Asin, ES-Madrid
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     IMPRESS DENTAL

                                                                                     PRACTICE IN MADRID

                                                                                     Aseptic, cool, white and blue – associations in almost
                                                                                     anyone when the word dentist is mentioned. Increa-
                                                                                     sed by a nagging feeling that is usually inherent in such
                                                                                     places. But there is another way: In Madrid, consistent
                                                                                     with the CI of the enterprise, Smile2Impress offers an
                                                                                     alternative as to design and atmosphere – due to the
                                                                                     distraction – and, hopefully, a painless one as well.

                                                                                     T  eenagers in particularly cannot avoid frequently having to put
                                                                                        themselves into the hands of dentists or orthodontists. For most of
                                                                                     the young people, practices or clinics and the treatments that take place
                                                                                     there are rather a bothersome evil. Besides efforts to towards further
                                                                                     development of medical and therapeutic measures, it is therefore all the
                                                                                     more important that the ambience of the unpopular places is also de-
                                                                                     signed in such a way that it can adapt to the visual habits of the young
                                                                                     male and female patients. For the latest practice of the internationally
                                                                                     operating Smile1Impress company, Raúl Sánchez Architects have desi-
                                                                                     gned exactly this for the Madrid branch intended for teens. Red, blue
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  and grey – the colours of the brand of orthodontists – have been exten-
                                                                                     sively and with luminous intensity used in the new premises. The old
                                                                                     building where the practice measuring 2,000 square metres is located
                                                                                     was refurbished and the existing elements, such as the granite blocks
                                                                                     and the wrought-iron supports located towards the street, have been
                                                                                     cleverly integrated in the new concept of space, colour and form. These
                                                                                     supports are now surrounded by curved walls – so that they are visible
                                                                                     in some places outside, in others inside the cylindrically shaped (treat-
                                                                                     ment-) rooms arranged along the back wall. In contrast to the stone
                                                                                     blocks that remained in their original material and colour, the supports
                                                                                     were painted red. Between the two contrasting building elements – the
                                                                                     curved, smooth walls and the strong, archaic effect of the granite – is
                                                                                     the lobby as well as the waiting area. Light, restrained grey here charac-
                                                                                     terizes the linoleum floor and the walls. The doors, wooden blocks that
                                                                                     have been dyed red, form the passage to the treatment- and the secon-
                                                                                     dary rooms. Here the bright tones of red and blue come particularly into
                                                                                     effect: The walls, the carpet-covered ceilings and full-length curtains
                                                                                     make the normally clinically sterile appearing premises look like co-
                                                                                     lourful cocoons – where apparently no one has to be afraid of a treat-
                                                                                     ment. The designers of the Barcelona-located architectural office of Raúl
                                                                                     Sánchez have succeeded in spatially interpreted the brand identity of
             Isometrie • Isometric                                                   the client: visually, haptically and sensorially – excitingly different.

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