Page 42 - AIT1122_E-Paper
P. 42


                                                                          N  umerous interesting architectural offices exist in the Netherlands. What
                                                                             prompted you to remain faithful to Neutelings Riedijk Architects (NRA)?
                                                                          What I particularly like is the size of our office with 20 to 40 employees at most. Due to
                                                                          this, everyone knows everyone else and every one of us always knows exactly what all
                                                                          the others are currently working on. This makes the office pleasantly family-like. I also
                                                                          like the diversity of origin among the employees – and the variety of our projects. Our of-
                                                                          fice is small if one considers the size of the projects. This is because – in the two meanings
                                                                          of the word – we are realizing great architecture with international recognition, such as
                                                                          for instance the Antwerp museum of city history (MAS), the Deventer town hall, the Na-
                                                                          turalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden, the Herman Teirlinck Building in Brussels – the lar-
                                                                          gest passive office building in Belgium – or Gare Maritime in Brussels, the largest timber
                                                                          construction in Europe. To this day, I find it very exciting that no project resembles the
                                                                          other: Even after more than 18 years, each commission comes with new challenges.

                                                                          r How has the office and its tasks changed in almost two decades?
                                                                          NRA is today headed by Michiel Riedijk, our Creative Director, and by Carl Meeusen, our
                                                                          Managing Director. Willem Jan Neutelings retired in 2019. During the period when I
                                                                          started working there, I experienced how the office grew to over 40 employees. The eco-
                                                                          nomic crisis then hit us as well. What motivated us to survive the credit crisis was the
                                                                          good atmosphere. Meanwhile, the staff has increased again, to approximately 30 inter-
                                                                          national employees from all over Europe, Asia and the USA. The way of working, howe-
                                                                          ver, has definitely changed. There used to be more time for research and more intensive
                                                                          investigations conducted in larger teams for preparing a project. Nowadays, everything
                                                                          has become more target-oriented and faster but we still do research, currently for ex-
                                                                          ample on 3D concrete printing. We largely work on museums, libraries, city halls and
                                                                          cultural institutions. We get these contracts through international competitions. Today,
                                                                          we also get projects via direct commissions.

                                                                          r Which have been the personal highlights of your professional life so far?
                                                                          One of my first projects where I worked on the design- and permission planning and
                                                                          which has impressed me very much was the Museum Aan de Stroom (MAS), the new
                                                                          museum of city history in Antwerp. It was designed as a 60-metres high spiralling tower
            Tanz- und Musikzentrum Spuiforum in Den Haag, ... • Spuiform dance- and music forum in The Hague …  in the heart of the old docks. Escalator take the visitors to the top of the tower with con-
                                                                          stantly new city panoramas unfolding in the process. During this project completed in
            ... aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen leider nicht realisiert • … unfortunately not built for economic reasons  2006, I learned how important the interaction is – from sketches to models all the way
                                                                          to 3D computer drawings – in order to create outstanding architecture. And I discovered
                                                                          my passion and my talent for model making. The project originated in a competition
                                                                          won in 1996. The city-hall project in Deventer in the Netherlands likewise extended of
                                                                          ten years, from the competition won in 2006 to the completion of the building in 2016).
                                                                          The building harmoniously fits into the medieval town centre and produces a passage.
                                                                          The building has been designed as a state-of the-art project and meets the highest re-
                                                                          quirements of sustainable building.

                                                                          r Which projects are you currently working on?
                                                                          I am currently working on the Amsterdam Museum, a project which requires an in-
                                                                          stinctive feeling for the history of the Amsterdam city centre. Building in such a historic
                                                                          environment comes with its very own challenges. With the design, a former monastery
                                                                          and orphanage in the heart of the old city is turned into a pioneering museum. The hi-
                                                                          storic building complex has grown and has changed in the course of the centuries. To-
                                                                          gether with a multidisciplinary design team and by extending, refurbishing and renova-
                                                                          ting, NRA is turning the building stock into a sustainable, relevant city museum. The
                                                                          building permit has been submitted this year.

                                                                          r And, in your opinion, when is a project a success?
                                                                          For me, a project is a success whenever everything has been realized in the way we
                                                                          have originally planned it. For us, the integration of art is very important. During the
                                                                          earlier design process, we often already work together with artists, for instance to de-
                                                                          sign extraordinary façades. This is shown in the concrete slabs by the fashion designer
                                                                          Iris van Herpen for the Naturalis project in Leiden or by the metallic fingerprints by
                                                                          Loes ten Anscher in the Deventer city hall. And this is also what makes NRA so diffe-
            Modellfotos: NRA                                              rent. Good architecture means going the extra mile. And once the building is finally fi-
                                                                          nished, when it exceeds the expectations and the demands by the client, it makes me
                                                                          proud that we have done it again.

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