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124-127_AIT1121_Innere_Werte_wa_Layout 1  22.10.2021  15:40  Seite 126


            Treppenabgang zur Schwimmhalle im UG • Stairs leading down to the swimming hall in the basement

            In den Turnhallen liegt ein neuer roter Sportboden. • The gymnasiums with a new red sports flooring.  Alt und Neu harmonieren gekonnt. • Old and new blend skilfully.

            T   he gymnasium and swimming hall, planned by cantonal architect Hans Luder  ting the ceiling white, this visually increases the height of the low-ceilinged rooms.
                and completed in 1967, is part of the Vogelsang school complex in Basel’s Wett-
                                                                          We had the existing wooden benches refurbished and re-equipped with the original
            stein district. The striking building ensemble boasts a total area of 2,725 square me-  heating pipes. In the anterooms to the sports halls, the toilets and changing rooms
            tres. The basement houses the indoor pool with its ancillary rooms and technical fa-  for teachers were refurbished and finished with new surfaces. All surfaces in the two
            cilities. Due to the stepped terrain, the swimming hall is naturally lit by a window  gymnasiums have been revised. The original windows were replaced by new, slightly
            strip stretching along its entire length. Above ground, at the entrance and schoolyard  lighter oiled oak windows. These give the Vogelsang sports hall complex a fresh new
            level, the sports complex comprises two sports halls arranged at right angles to each  exterior look. The roofs are newly insulated and covered with grey acoustic panels
            other, their ancillary rooms and a former caretaker’s cottage. When first visiting the  on the inside. To replace the heating systems, the oak-veneered three-layer panels
            site, fair-faced concrete and large oak window frames testified to the high-quality,  inside the sports halls were dismantled, repaired, sanded and reinstalled. The new
            functional and durable choice of materials typical of the time when the complex was  red sports flooring in combination with wood and fair-faced concrete now creates a
            built. While the building appeared to be in good condition from the outside, the in-  harmonious overall appearance.
            terior surfaces showed clear signs of wear and needed general renovation. Building
            services and electrotechnical systems had to be completely replaced; current safety,  Swimming hall: refurbished and technically upgraded
            fire protection and earthquake standards had to be met; and the building envelope
            had to be improved in terms of energy efficiency. The aim of the renovation, com-  A new lift with doors on both sides provides barrier-free access to the basement le-
            missioned by the Building Department of the Canton of Basel City, was to carefully  vels. The lobby on the swimming pool side is also used as an auditorium with sea-
            refurbish the high-quality but ageing building fabric, to develop it further in the spirit  ting steps. A large new window now frames the view of the indoor pool. The pool
            of the 1960s and to give it a contemporary appearance. The low concrete ceiling in  was technically upgraded and finished with penny tiles in nuanced shades of light
            the entrance hall was painted in the warm yellow shade of the original colour  blue. The stepped stands leading into the pool were retained and revived with light
            scheme. Different, finely graded shades of green and blue were chosen for each  grey penny tiles. On the walls, white and black tiles contrast strongly with the blue
            changing room to facilitate orientation. We reopened the meanwhile covered sky-  water. A graphic pattern on the back wall, a design by Claudiabasel, plays with the
            lights and fitted them with a new, specially created light fixture. Together with pain-  perspective and lends the pool a new identity.

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