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P. 130

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            Das Krankenhaus wurde als Low-tech-Gebäude in landestypischer Skelettbauweise mit Ziegelausfachungen gebaut. •The hospital was constructed as a low-tech building in the skeleton method with brick infills typical of the country.

            Der Luftstrom gelangt über die Klappläden ins Gebäude und entweicht dank Bambusgitter-Decken über Lüftungslamellen im First. •Airflow enters through folding shutters and escapes through slats in the gable ridge.

            W     ith its about 53 million inhabitants, Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is the  project. After almost five years of planning, raising donations, purchasing materials and
                  second largest country in Southeast Asia and one of the least developed countries
                                                                          construction, the hospital was inaugurated in February 2020. With its 20 beds, a fully
            worldwide. Still very much plagued by political unrest and often by natural disasters such  equipped operating theatre, a delivery room and a laboratory, it now serves about 20
            as cyclones, floods or earthquakes, more than a quarter of the population lives a life of  communities and thus 20,000 people as the central hospital. A large part of the clinic
            privation. Medical care is not available everywhere and the standard is very low. In ad-  equipment arrived in containers from Germany and was donated by facilities and doc-
            dition, there are the challenges of the Covid 19 pandemic. The Projekt Burma e.V. NGO  tors. The location of the building is a hill so that, in addition to its function as a hospital,
            has made it its task to improve the living conditions of Myanmar’s poor population.  it can also serve as a refuge during tropical storms and tsunamis. For the main building,
            “Help for self-help” is the central motto of the association founded by Marion Mück in  a+r Architekten designed a one-storey atrium construction with a sheltered courtyard.
            Filderstadt near Stuttgart in 2009. Projekt Burma has already implemented various pro-  Around it are patient rooms, treatment- and staff rooms as well as the dispensaryt.
            jects in the field of education, health, water and hygiene together with local partners.
                                                                          Inspired by the local construction method
            An extensive room programme
                                                                          The waiting area is outdoors to keep the transmission of diseases minimal. The linear
            On the occasion of the opening of a high school built by a+r Architekten in 2014, officials  side wing with its striking pent roof is accessed through a pergola and houses the isola-
            from the village of Magyizin approached the association with a concrete request. They  tion ward with additional rooms for infectious patients, kitchens (for the patients’ self-
            described their plight: the existing health station was ramshackle and insufficiently  catering customary in Myanmar) as well as storage-, wash- and sanitary rooms. On their
            equipped. The next hospital was more than three hours by motorcycle away which was  travels around the country, the architects had studied traditional construction. For the
            unacceptable for the seriously ill or highly pregnant. After an on-site inspection, the board  hospital, they designed a “brick nogging structure” typical of the country where a skele-
            of the association decided that building a hospital in Magyizin was to be the next joint  ton construction is infilled with bricks. Designed as low-tech as possible, the supporting

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