Page 131 - AIT1121_E-Paper
P. 131

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                                                                           Entwurf • Design Ackermann + Raff Architekten, Stuttgart
                                                                           Bauherr • Client Projekt Burma e. V., Filderstadt
                                                                           Standort • Location Magyizin, Myanmar
                                                                           Nutzfläche • Floor space 565 m 2
                                                                           Fotos • Photos Oliver Gerhartz
                                                                           Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 142

              Innenhof-Skizze des Haupttraktes • Sketch of the main-wing courtyard  Schnitt • Section

              In der Regenzeit dient das Krankenhaus auch als Schutzort. •During the rainy season, the hospital is also a refuge.  Grundriss • Floor plan

             skeleton of the hospital was built of reinforced concrete to achieve higher stability and
             protect against insect infestation. Architecturally striking is the movable sun- and rain
             protection of wooden slats and the roof construction of the atrium house with an all-
             round gable element. In combination, these also ensure constant ventilation – one of the
             major issues when building in a tropical climate.
             Creating the perfect climate

             The roof underside was for the major part clad with woven bamboo mats. The airflow
             thus circulates upwards through the open windows behind the shady folding shutters
             through the bamboo grid and outside again through ventilation slats in the gable ridge.
             “There is a pleasant draught everywhere in the building”, Julia Raff explains, the project
             architect, the simple but effective principle of cross ventilation. Since no construction
             companies exist in the region, the building was mainly constructed by the villagers in-
             structed by a carpenter. The government of Myanmar sponsored a house for the doctors
             and the nurses. The village of Magyizin thus developed into a health centre for the whole
              region. Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, the hospital is used as an official
             quarantine centre. In addition, numerous people are here tended to who have been hurt
             during the most recent political unrests.                     Lageplan-Skizze des Project Burma Hospital • Site-plan sketch of the Project Burma Hospital

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