Page 97 - AIT1118_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Declerck–Daels, BE-Roeselare
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Charlotte Mestdagh, BE-Brügge
                                                                                        Standort • Location Pastoriestraat 174A, BE-Brügge
                                                                                        Bruttogeschossfläche • Gross floor area 97 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Tim Van de Velde, BE-Brüssel
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 146

                                                                                        DENTAL PRACTICE

                                                                                        IN BRUGES

                                                                                        The dentist Charlotte Mestdagh had a new practice buil-
                                                                                        ding constructed in the front garden of her residence in
                                                                                        Bruges in Belgium. The Declerck-Daels architectural office
                                                                                        was commissioned with the planning. The architects de-
                                                                                        signed a timber-clad and, in part, two-storey building
                                                                                        which allows views through large windows. Inside, the
                                                                                        practice convinces with Flemish Normcore aesthetics.

                                                                                        F  landers is currently for architecture what Ticino was in the 1980s,
                                                                                           Vorarlberg in the 1990s and  what the Netherlands  were in the
                                                                                        2000s: meaning the one European region where the architectural zeit-
                                                                                        geist appears to make its home right now. This is where architects such
                                                                                        as De Vylder Vinck Taillieu or Kersten Geers and David Van Severen in
                                                                                        the course of the last  years have developed a kind of architecture
                                                                                        which is based on the simplest and most cost-effective materials and
                                                                                        constructions, radically leaves these exposed and thus ultimately aes-
                                                                                        theticizes  them.  This architectural strategy is readily described as
                                                                                        Normcore, a term derived from the fashion of the hipster generation
                                                                                        and meaning the trend to deliberately inconspicuous clothing, to blue
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan
                                                                                        jeans and  T shirts.  The most recent  works by Declerck-Daels
                                                                                        Architecten from Roeslare – such as the dental practice in Bruges
                                                                                        shown here – can also be called Normcore architecture in the best
                                                                                        sense of the term. The new practice is located in a residential area on
                                                                                        the western periphery of the city where the client, Charlotte Mestdah,
                                                                                        is also at home. For many years, her practice was in the converted
                                                                                        garage next to her home before she now commissioned the architects
                                                                                        Bernard Declerck and Griet Daels with a new building. This as well is
                                                                                        in direct structural relation to the residence – now, however, in the
                                                                                        front garden and adjacent to the existing neighbouring development.
                                                                                        On the ground floor of the almost 100 square metres large and, in part,
                                                                                        two-storey new building are two treatment rooms, the practice admin-
                                                                                        istration, a small waiting area as well as WCs and secondary rooms.
                                                                       BUUR RECHTS :
                                                                       WONING NR 172
                                                                                        On the second floor, there is room for a spacious lounge for the doctor
                                                                                        and her employees. Large skylights and even larger vertical window
                                                                                        areas ensure ample daylight in all the areas as well as views inside
                                                                                        and outside. In accordance with the Normcore philosophy, all the con-
                                                                                        struction materials used were left exposed and their constructive appli-
                                                                                        cation can be noticed – from the screed floor to the walls constructed
                                                                                        of  sand-lime  bricks  and  the  concrete  girders  to  the  wooden  ceiling
                Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               beams and the fixed plywood furniture.

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