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Entwurf • Design Civilian, US-Brooklyn
                                                                                Bauherr • Client Newlab, US-New York
                                                                                Standort • Location 2050 15  Street, US-Detroit
                                                                                Nutzfläche • Floor space 25.000 m 2
                                                                                Fotos • Photos Brian W. Ferry, US-New York
                                                                                Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 150

                                                                                NEWLAP HEADQUARTER

                                                                                IN DETROIT

                  “Detroit is a city with an extraordinary                      From a post office to a depot for school supplies to
                  design culture – both past and present –                      the headquarters of the multidisciplinary technology
                                                                                company Newlab, the history of Albert Kahn’s former
                  and the city has provided a deep well of                      Book Depository in Michigan Central stretches back.
                                                                                The new building in 1936 had already been intended to
                         inspiration for this project.”                         help the city of Detroit rebuild its economy; after Civi-
                              Nicko Elliott, Civilian                           lian’s revitalization, the building has a similar mission.

                                                                                N  one other than the German-born American architect Albert Kahn
                                                                                   (1869–1942) had designed the building in Art Deco style. By 1936,
                                                                                he had long since become a respected industrial architect, having built
                                                                                Henry Ford’s car factories and developed the assembly-line production
                                                                                in the early 20th century. After being used as a post office, the imposing
                                                                                building right next to Detroit’s main train station was used as a depot
                                                                                for school supplies; it burned down in 1987, then fell into disrepair and
                                                                                was finally purchased by the Ford Motor Company in 2018 to create a
                                                                                brand-new centre for ecological mobility innovations – Michigan Cen-
                                                                                tral. The first tenant was found in 2021 with Newlab, an association
                                                                                of more than 900 companies focused on cutting-edge technologies. In
                                                                                April of this year, the innovation hub was ready for occupancy. The Ame-
                                                                                rican architectural firm Gensler was responsible for the renovation of
                                                                                the building with a total floor space of 25,000 square metres, while Civi-
                                                                                lian from New York were commissioned to design the interiors for New-
                                                                                lab. The aim of all the interventions was to create a dialogue between
                                                                                the architecture designed by Kahn and the new fixtures. By introducing
                                                                                zoning spatial structures, the building retains its strict structure – inclu-
                                                                                ding the supports in the form of a Martini glass – and the clear material
                                                                                language. The latter is merely cautiously supplemented with new ideas,
                                                                                adapted to its use as a future-oriented and sustainable place of work,
                                                                                and thus builds a bridge between Kahn’s building and the work of the
                                                                                engineers who work in it today. At the core of the ground floor is a
                                                                                200-seat event room with a state-of-the-art robotics/prototyping area.
                                                                                On the second floor, a two-storey atrium opens up, around which are
                                                                                two open studio spaces with desks, several lounge areas, but also quiet
                                                                                retreats for concentrated working as well as classrooms and meeting
                                                                                rooms. The interior has an industrial appearance with concrete floors
                                                                                and exposed services. The furniture was designed by Civilian, some of
                                                                                the items exclusively for Newlab. Made of robust solid wood and lami-
                                                                                nate panels, the fixtures and tables are inspired by 1930s design and
        Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               hark back to the industrial mass production influenced by Henry Ford.

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