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Entwurf • Design Daytrip Studio, GB-London
                                                                                Bauherr • Client The Office Group
                                                                                Standort • Location 74 Rivington St, GB-London
                                                                                Nutzfläche • Floor space 4000 m 2
                                                                                Fotos • Photos Jake Curtis, GB-London
                                                                                Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 150

                                                                                COWORKING SPACE

                                                                                IN LONDON

                   „Eine gute Beziehung zur Architektur                         Everything for the work-life balance: New Work in a
                                                                                coworking space, sustainable, of course! Articles, Ins-
             ist bei einem Projekt wie diesem unerlässlich.“                    tagram posts or speeches by a CEO on the topic of the
                                  Daytrip Studio                                office can now rarely do without the use of these terms.
                                                                                Daytrip Studio in a London coworking space shows that
                                                                                behind the trendy Anglicism used in many languages lies
                                                                                a realistic revolution in the dusty world of work.

                                                                                T  he desire for truly sustainable architecture – on several levels –
                                                                                   motivated the building owners of The Office Group (TOG) to com-
                                                                                mission the timber-construction specialists of Waugh Thistleton Archi-
                                                                                tects to design their coworking space. As a result, a new building has
                                                                                graced the vertical streetscape of London’s Shoreditch district since
                                                                                the beginning of 2023: six storeys in a 17.8-metre-high building repre-
                                                                                sent the tallest solid-timber structure in London. Prefabricated timber-
                                                                                construction elements, precision-engineered to be slotted together on
                                                                                site, model the architectural framework for Daytrip Studio’s design.
                                                                                Versatile layouts suitable for a single occupier or multiple small busi-
                                                                                nesses ensure flexible tenancies. The building is dismantlable and can
                                                                                be disassembled rather than demolished at the end of its life with its
                                                                                materials reused. The very genius loci (spirit of place) cries out for the
        Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               use of natural materials on the site, which once housed a Victorian
                                                                                timber-storage shed. Taking advantage of the design freedom of timber
                                                                                construction, the interiors are conceived as an open space with diffe-
                                                                                rent spatial qualities – complemented by the privacy of more secluded
                                                                                offices. The consistent use of wood – for the construction, façade, stair-
                                                                                wells, floor coverings and regionally manufactured furniture – blurs the
                                                                                boundary between architecture and interior design as well as between
                                                                                working and living. In addition to the environmentally conscious use
                                                                                of resources, sustainability takes on another face here: in the sense of
                                                                                adaptability, the coworking space is designed to be convertible and
                                                                                could be a workplace, café, hotel or a domestic living room at the
                                                                                same time – supported by the contrasting mix of vintage furniture and
                                                                                contemporary design. A colour palette of calming greens and earthy
                                                                                tones, different woods and natural textiles allow for a return to what
                                                                                architecture is constructed for in its original form and complemented
                                                                                by interior design: The shaping of a range of spaces with varying mood-
                                                                                and concentration character. Thus, the conglomerate of sustainability
                                                                                encloses the interior utility core with daylit areas for social interaction,
        Grundriss 5. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +5                         concentrated work or a break in the constantly changing world of work.

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