Page 135 - AIT1022_E-Paper
P. 135

Entwurf • Design COAST, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client COAST Stuttgart
                                                                                     Standort • Location Lindenspürstraße 22, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 255 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos David Franck, Ostfildern
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 166

                                                                                     COAST ARCHITECTURAL

                                                                                     OFFICE IN STUTTGART

             „Eine flexible Umgebung, die sich allen Gegebenheiten                   In the, a dynamic room configuration and
                                                                                     maximum flexibility not only succeed in promoting inten-
             – analog wie auch digital – dynamisch anpassen kann,                    sive dialogue, open thinking and a true team spirit but

                 bietet besten Nährboden für innovative Impulse.“                    also make room for new creative ideas possible. When
                                                                                     designing their own office premises, the Stuttgart archi-
                          Zlatko Antolovic, Mitinhaber COAST                         tects prove a sure instinct for hybrid workflows, mono-
                                                                                     chrome colour nuances and, above all, lively contrasts …

                                                                                     W    ith bright colours, colourful materials and sculptural installations
                                      2                                                   – those who are familiar with the projects by the Stuttgart Coast
                                                                                     office know about the strength of the rooms designed in this way. When
                                                                                     it came to designing their own office premises, however, the architects
                                                                                     remained true to themselves and put their trust in black exclusively: “For
                                                                                     us, black adds a feeling of enormous calm – we have a hectic environ-
                                                                                     ment in our everyday office routine and on what we see on the monitor
                                                                                     screens – so we absolutely wanted to avoid this when planning our own
                                                                                     working atmosphere.” In line with this, various gradations of the colour
                                                                                     black now support the concentration on the their open approach to new
                                                                                     projects: “Like a white or, rather, a black sheet of paper, as it were.” De-
                                                                                     spite the absolute focussing, however, the ensures above all
                                                                                     dynamic work processes as well as the highest degree of flexibility, not
                                                                                     only because, thanks to acoustic curtains, the various zones can without
                                                                                     further ado be separated or interconnected to serve for events and mee-
                                      4                                              ting scenarios but also because goal-oriented integration of digital tools
                                                                                     allows multimedia communication. Interactive touchscreens can therein
                    3                 5                                              be used as blackboards, presentation tools or for video conferences and
                                                                                     are each positioned in places where it is guaranteed that spontaneous
                                                                                     encounters and therefore new impulses result in the workflow. “We
                                                                                     have planned everything with the utmost precision in order to be able
                    7      8                                                         to also sometimes change the perspective and thus give ‘the fortunate
                                                                                     coincidence’ a chance.” But even though exchange, communication and
                                                                                     workflow are promoted without any restrictions, the teams also have
                                                                                     privacy options available for concentrated working or confidential talks.
                                     9                1   Besprechungsraum • Meeting room
                                                      2 Material-Bibliothek • Material library  An important contribution to the pleasant work climate is made by the
                                     10               3 Lounge/Workshos • Lounge/Workshops  numerous plants which dominate the open space and contrast the black
                                                      4 Telefonzelle • Telephone box
                          11                          5 Sitznische • Seating alcove  with a rich green: They are acoustically effective, enrich the air with oxy-
                                                      6 Server-Raum • IT server room
                                                      7   Lager • Storage            gen and humidity, filter harmful substances and thus increase producti-
                                                      8   Kopierer • Copier          vity – and they even have a relaxing effect if one is able to do some gar-
                                                      9 Empfang • Welcome
                                                      10 Coast Küche • Coast Kitchen  dening on the side at times. Only their growth is hardly plannable – but
                                                      11 WC • Toilets
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  that is okay: Coast wants to leave this to chance …
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