Page 127 - AIT1022_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design LXSY Architekten, Berlin
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Impact Hub Berlin GmbH, Berlin
                                                                                     Standort • Location Rollbergstraße 28a, Berlin
                                                                                                                                       Foto: Hannes Wiedemann
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 3500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Studio Bowie, Berlin
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 166

                                                                                     COWORKING SPACE

                                                                                     IMPACT HUB IN BERLIN

                      „Für einen zukunftsfähigen Wandel muss                         For long now, the goal has no longer merely been to
                  der lineare Bau- und Planungsprozess durch ein                     leave a minimized but a positive footprint as regards the
                                                                                     most sustainability behind – and this in all respects. In
                     kreislauffähiges System abgelöst werden!“                       project partnership with TRSNFRM and entirely in the
                                                                                     spirit of the circular economic community of the Impact
                                      LXSY Architekten                               Hub operator, LXSY Architekten have expanded the
                                                                                     CRCLR building in Berlin into a coworking space.

                                                                                     I mpact Hub Berlin is part of a global network of so-called changema-
                                                                                       kers who share the conviction that, belonging to a global community,
                                                                                     they can achieve a fairer future for people and the planet in social, eco-
                                                                                     logical, financial and inclusive respects. Entrepreneurs who share this
                                                                                     spirit are able to participate in this and become a part of this by beco-
                                                                                     ming a member of Impact Hub. It is the circular attitude, the global co-
                                                                                     operative idea which distinguishes the Impact Hub community from
                                                                                     other coworking spaces. Community-oriented living and working is also
                                                                                     the guiding theme of the CRCLR building on the site of the former Kindl
                                                                                     brewery in the city district of Neukölln. With 3,500 square metres, 25
                                                                                     team offices, a café and a roof terrace, this is the largest Impact Hub in
                                                                                     Europe so far. With the aspiration of establishing a zero-waste building
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               where material cycles are interconnected in such as way that the waste
                                                                                     materials of the ones become the secondary raw materials of the other
                                                                                     users, from among the people in the CRCLR collective the TRSNFRM eG
                                                                                     developed which realized a sustainable refurbishment and an extension
                                                                                     of the former warehouse. In 2015, LXSY Architekten had successfully
                                                                                     completed the interior construction of the Impact Hub Berlin Kreuzberg
                                                                                     in a participatory and sustainable way and now, in a cooperative process
                                                                                     together with TRSNFRM eG, designed the interiors of the Impact Hub
                                                                                     Neukölln. In the conflicting priorities of choosing between “use as is”
                                                                                     and “upcycle”, approximately 70 percent of the reused materials and –
                                                                                     wherever necessary – sustainable new materials have been used. For-
                                                                                     going plasterboard in favour of brickwork, local maritime pine and
                                                                                     spruce with a wooden-stand grid of 62.5 centimetres for an optimum use
                                                                                     of leftover wood cuttings were complemented with hemp walls (room
                                                                                     climate and sound insulation) as well as felt and straw panels (room
                                                                                     acoustics). Not last, by reusing the sliding doors of telephone booths
                                                                                     from the former Impact Hub Berlin, of black MDF from a Berlin club, for-
                                                                                     mer sitting elements of a supermarket, windows from a demolition con-
                                                                                     struction site and tiles from old stocks, LXSY have set an example of clea-
             Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               ring up the prejudice that circular buildings lack aesthetics. More of this!

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