Page 42 - AIT1017_E-Paper
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               Kloster Agiou Pavlou (4) Kloster-Rangfolge 14, 10. Jahrhundert                    An- und Abreise erfolgen per Boot. • Arrival and departure are by boat.

               I  n a world full of budget airlines, making a pilgrimage  here.  Halfway  up  the  mountain,  the  path  to  the  Osios  Day 3: Tolerated guest within old walls
                  is definitely in. You go to a monastery on retreat or you
                                                        Grigorios (2) monastery branches off, our destination of
               hike  till  you  drop  just  to  finally  feel  something  again:  today. Next to St Nicholas Church painted oxblood-red are  The last leg after a short night leads to the Agiou Pavlou St
               aching muscles and blistered feet included. But how does  the dining hall with its elaborate frescoes and the kitchen.  Paul’s  monastery.  Holy  Mass,  enveloped  in  candlelight
               one  feel  on  the  Holy  Mountain  of  Athos,  as  an  infidel  Dinner in a tin bowl consists of porridge, white bread and  and incense, feels archaic. The faithful are caressing icons,
               among nothing but the orthodox?          pitch-black olives. There is water and red wine. Silence  we are standing silently beside them. The Agiou Pavlou
                                                        reigns during dinner while a monk reads from the bible.  (4) monastery ranks 14th. Its history goes back to the 10th
               Day 1: Journey into an unknown world     His singsong fills the room and mixes with the clattering  century. After serpentines and a stuffy forest of shrubbery
                                                        of cutlery. The pilgrims eat hastily since dinner can be  and boulders, we are greeted by a resounding noise. On
               It is stuffy below deck. 200 men, Rumanians, Bulgarians,  over at any moment. When the abbot rises, we have to  both  flanks  of  the wide valley  in which  the  monastery
               Serbs and Russians, take the ferry from Ouranoupoli to  leave as well. We stand on a wooden veranda and look  spreads, construction workers with heavy equipment are
               Dafni, the harbour of the Athos monastic state. The Greek  into the light. Four storeys below us is the Mediterranean,  busy building new roads. Even the old pilgrim path has
               flag is fluttering in the wind. Seagulls are sailing above the  a landscape of liquid lead into which right now a ripe  been torn up. This monastery is trying out change. A dust
               wake. Georgios is our Greek mountain guide and to him  orange dips, the sun. It is warm here. And windless. We  road now leads to the monastery entrance. Quite cheerful
               we owe the diamonitrion, the entrance permit required.  open our eyes wide and watch. And watch. It could hardly  grounds with wide arcades await us there. After maybe 40
               There are only ten visas issued per day for infidels such as  be any more beautiful on an ocean liner. Serenity sets in.  minutes, we are welcomed. There is tea and rahat lokum.
               us. Per day. We, that is Raoul who works in Berlin as a  Everything is very simple, immediate and uncomplicated.  The  tray  is  immediately  empty.  In  the  evening, we  are
               lawyer, Bob, a Scottish psychoanalyst from Lesbos, former  It could remain like this.  separated from the orthodox. As if we were lepers. An
               Lehman banker James, passionate mountaineer Georgios                              interesting experience.
               and I. We have a common goal. Within the next 96 hours,  Day 2: Monastic life and deprivation
               we want to hike to three monasteries at the foot of the                           Day 4: A farewell rich in insights
               Holy  Mountain  and  immerse  ourselves  in  the world  of  Today’s destination is the Dionysiou (3) monastery which
               orthodoxy. For 96 hours, no non-Orthodox person is allo-  was founded by Dionysios of Koryssos in the middle of the  Although the hikes were not much more than walks, we
               wed to stay longer on Athos. Approximately 2,000 monks  14th century. The path climbs steeply and crosses deep  are in good spirits, as if we had achieved something great.
               are living in the 20 monasteries and the countless hermi-  gorges. Lush green alternates with stony sections. We take  On the ferry, Bob brings out a toast. Espresso and a story
               tages protected by the Holy Mountain which dominates  a rest in the shade of a large boulder. Georgios explains  go with it: Just recently, he tells us, a manager came to see
               the extreme tip of the promontory with its altitude of 2,033  that  Moní  Dionysíou  ranks  fifth  in  the  hierarchy  of  the  him in his practice and asked for a guided meditation.
               metres. Athos is, after all, a world of rules and regulations:  Athos monasteries and is administered by approximately  Bob took the workaholic across alpine meadows all the
               cover your arms at service. Do not cross your legs. Remain  50  monks.  A  last,  steep  descent  and  then  the  way to the top of a mountain where a being with extrasen-
               silent during dinner. And do not make the Catholic sign of  Mediterranean  gurgles  against  a  peaceful  bay.  Bathing  sory powers was said to reside. It would be able to have
               the cross. The most important rule, however, is the avaton  prohibited.  Around  the  corner  lies  the  monastery  on  a  answers for the manager. The saint had really shown him-
               of 1060, the ban on women on the Holy Mountain.   spur which merges into a ring of walls 80 metres high. The  self. Dramatic pause. He had simply stuck out his tongue.
                                                        monastery complex is surrounded by balconies and galle-  “Pffft”.  Liberating  laugher.  Was  that  it?  The  lesson  of
               In search of enlightenment               ries  which  hang  over  the  abyss  at  several  levels.  Athos?  Everyone  had  better  find  his  or  her  own  way?
                                                        Everything is focused on the catholicon whose magnifi-  Enlightenment scratched. Strange. The monks no longer
               When the second ferry discharges us after more than two  cent frescoes from 1547 are attributed to Zorzi from Crete.  seem so far away from our own world. They own cell pho-
               hours, Simonos Petras (1), the holy monastery of the rock  Here  ancient  philosophers  are  burning  in  the  hell  fire;  nes and ride speedboats. On the Chalkidikí peninsula, to
               of Simon, towers 200 metres above us. Strange. Tibetan.  there  one  proceeds  towards  redemption  with  hosts  of  which Athos belongs, there is a saying: “If you are looking
               A late-medieval skyscraper. Founded, as legend has it, in  angels and saints. This is a fortress disguised as a mona-  for a wife, go to Kassxxxandra. If you have a wife, go to
               the 13th century by Simon the Athonite and expanded in  stery, with a keep and ramparts. The gates reinforced with  Sithonia. And if your wife has left you, go to Athos.” The
               1364 by the Serbian despot Jovan Ugljesa, it ranks thir-  iron are to keep looters away also from the library with its  further we get away, the more the Holy Mountain moves
               teens in the hierarchy of Athos. The ranking, of course, is  reputed 804 manuscripts and its 4,000 printed books. We  into  sight.  A  colossus  of  blue  mist  and  scattered
               according to the date of the foundation. Age is still of value  do not get to look at them.   snowfields.

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