Page 71 - AIT1016_E-Paper
P. 71

Die bestehende Kaldewei Website wird vorgestellt (links). Beurteilt und diskutiert wurde sie von den Teilnehmern des CI-Tests. • The existing Kaldewei website is presented (left). It was assessed by the participants in the CI test.
                Inspirierend: auf Tuchfühlung mit der Badewanne Emerso • Inspiring: close contact with the Emerso bathtub  Brainstorming in entspannter Atmosphäre • Brainstorming in a relaxed atmosphere

                T   he user-friendliness of the new Kaldewei  website  Nina Bleyer, KBNK Architekten, Hamburg  Nina Bleyer, KBNK Architekten, Hamburg
                                                                                                  “’As I see it, the Kaldewei site has definitely been upgra-
                                                         „Die Kaldewei-Seite hat aus meiner Wahrnehmung her-
                    was the issue of a CI test at the Weissenhaus Grand
                Village. Resort & Spa am Meer on the Baltic Sea. Nine inte-  aus deutlich gewonnen, ist übersichtlich geworden und  ded, it has become clearer and is intuitively usable. The
                rior designers and architects submitted suggestions for  intuitiv nutzbar. Die wichtigsten Produktinfos sind hin-  most essential product information is accessible. As a
                optimizing the Kaldewei web presence. The objective was  terlegt. Ich  würde mir ergänzend Beispielfotos der  complement, I  would appreciate exemplary photo-
                to improve the website based on their feedback in such a  Produkte im eingebauten Zustand wünschen.“  graphs of the products after they have been installed.”
                way that the architects’ daily job is made easier.  To
                achieve this, the interior designers and architects wanted  Tamara Pallasch, pallasch interiordesign, Berlin  Tamara Pallasch, pallasch interiordesign, Berlin
                a compact design with their own section focusing on the  „Die neue  Website ist noch besser  in Klarheit und  “The new website is even better as to clarity and struc-
                topics of design, surfaces and reference projects, specified  Struktur und damit haben wir Planer ein Tool, mit dem  ture and we as planners thus have a tool we can really
                according to product categories. The issues of price indi-  man  wirklich arbeiten kann. Durch die schwarze  work with. Due to the black background colour, there is
                cation and access to high-resolution images for mockups  Hintergrundfarbe hat man eine klare Positionierung  clear positioning compared with other suppliers of sani-
                and presentations for clients were among the most impor-  gegenüber anderen Sanitäranbietern.“  tary equipment.”
                tant concerns. In the process, the architects and interior
                designers emphasized that even a perfect website cannot  Jan Störmer, Störmer Murphy and Partners, Hamburg  Jan Störmer, Störmer Murphy and Partners, Hamburg
                replace personal advice in questions of planning but  „Die Webseite ist grafisch ansprechend und keinesfalls  “The website is graphically attractive and far from clut-
                serves as a direct, constantly available support. Prior to  überladen. Schön  wäre es,  wenn man die Farb -  tered. It would be nice if one could look at the products’
                the official publication of the new web presence, the par-  varianten der Produkte ansehen könnte (...)“  other colour variations (...)”
                ticipants in the CI test were shown a preview and asked
                for their feedback which became part of the final imple-  Sabine Krumrey, brandherm + krumrey interior  Sabine Krumrey, brandherm + krumrey interior
                mentation.  The result is an internet service  which is  architecture, Hamburg/Köln  architecture, Hamburg/Cologne
                unique in the sector and convinces due to intuitive user  „Kaldewei steht für Marke und  Tradition. Die Ent -  “Kaldewei stands for brand and tradition. The develop-
                guidance, an intelligent search function as well as many  wicklung der letzten Jahre hat nun  zusätzlich noch  ment over the past years has now also added zeitgeist
                useful service tools such as a product configurator or the  Zeitgeist und Innovation ins Spiel gebracht – beides ist  and innovation – both irreplaceable for a brand product
                search option for specialist partners.  unersetzlich für ein Markenprodukt, um zu bestehen.“  in order to last.”

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