Page 93 - AIT0924_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Neri&Hu, CN-Shanghai
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Jisifang, CN-Shanghai
                                                                                    Standort • Location CN-Shanghai
                                                                                                                                      Foto: Xiaxi Jang & Zhu Zhe
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 200 m , 110 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Pedro Pegenaute
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    JISIFANG/WOVEN MOON-

                                                                                    LIGHT IN SHANGHAI

                                                                                    Panlong Tiandi,  a  green retreat  for  shopping,  leisure
                                          7                                         and living developed by the Shui On Group in the gre-
                                          3                                         ater Shanghai area, is revitalizing a historic watertown.
                                                                                    Neri&Hu designed two boutiques for two sister brands in
                                                                                    this trendy lifestyle quarter opened in 2023 – as contras-
                                                                                    ting as they are complementary and radically reduced in
                                                                                    terms of the brand identities: a hut and a cave.

                               4      2      4
                                                                                    P  anlong Tiandi is one of China’s ancient watertowns and is over 1000
                                                                                       years old. Typical are the one- to two-storey longhouses with gabled
                                                             1  Eingang • Entry     roofs on both sides of the Nanshu River, which is crossed by several foot-
                                                             2  Mehrzweckraum • Multi Room
                                                             3  Kasse • Cashier     bridges. Lanes and water – resembling Venice. Panlong Tiandi in Greater
                                                             4  Regaldisplay • Shelving display
                                                             5  Umkleide • Fitting Room  Shanghai is both an open-air museum and a shopping district, surroun-
                                                             6  Outdoor Lounge • Outdoor Lounge  ded by extremely attractive new parks, urban motorways and high-rise
                                                             7  Lager • Storage
                                                                                    residential buildings. China has learnt from its mistakes. For decades,
            Grundriss: Jisifang Boutique (Holz) • Floor plan: Jisifang Store (wood)  historic buildings were simply flattened in favour of economic growth.
                                                                                    “Adaptive reuse” is now the motto. Neri& Hu were commissioned to
                                                                                    design two boutiques for this revitalization project. One for Jisifang, one
                                                                                    for its sister brand Woven Moonlight. Jisifang specializes in garments
                                                                                    made from natural textiles of the highest quality. In 2020, Neri&Hu
                                                                                    already designed the first flagship store for the multi-brand retailer.
                                                                                    The two boutiques in Panlong Tiandi complement each other like yin
                                                                                    and yang, both with an archaic feel yet tailored to its distinct brand
              3                                                                     identity and spatial requirements. The Jisifang boutique is inspired by
                                                                                    the idea of the primitive hut, which Marc-Antoine Laugier presented in
             1    2            9
                                                                                    his Essai sur l’architecture in 1755. The store is also characterized by
                                                                                    the renunciation of everything superfluous that was propagated there.
                                                                                    Architecturally, the red thread that the company spins through with its
                                                                                    natural textiles continues in the truest sense of the word. The wooden
                                     8                                              structure integrated into the architecture like a house within a house
                                           8                                        is characterized by spiritual simplicity. The roof structure and shelving
                                                                                    system produce a formal unit. Wood and handmade ceramic tiles create
                                                                                    a warm atmosphere under the high-pitched roof, while glass blocks and
                                                              1  Eingang • Entry
                                                              2 Lounge • Lounge     frosted glass panes filter the light. The fashion boutique is wrapped in a
                                                      9       3 Kasse • Cashier
                                                              4 Display Tisch • Display Table  “cloak” of corroded steel. In contrast to this “hut”, the Woven Moonlight
                                                              5 Bettwäsche • Bedding
                                                              6 Café • Café         boutique epitomizes the “cave”. Daylight, which penetrates the faça-
                                                              7 VIP Room • VIP Room
                                                              8 Umkleide • Fitting Room  de and pitched roof through deep window reveals, lends the texture
                                                              9 Outdoor Lounge • Outdoor Lounge  of the concrete its ever-changing vibrancy. Neri&Hu get to the heart of
                                                             10 Lager • Storage
                                                                                    the fashion- and shop-brand identity. Radical reduction – surely also an
             Grundriss: Woven Moonlight Boutique (Beton) • Floor plan: Woven Moonlight Store (concrete)  inspiration for brand outlets and boutiques in this country.
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