Page 29 - AIT0921_E-Paper
P. 29

It Wasn’t Us, 2021
                                                                             von • by Katharina Grosse                                 Foto: Robert Schittko/Art Beats


                                                                           “I painted my way out of the building,” says Freiburg-born

                                                                           artist Katharina Grosse about her painting It Wasn't Us in the

                                                                           Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart in Berlin. Over

                                                                           the past twenty years, the artist has presented numerous solo

                                                                           exhibitions, including often site-specific pictorial worlds that

                                                                           expand through the given spaces and also include walls, ceil-

                                                                           ings, floors or even entire buildings. Over the course of several

                                                                           weeks, Grosse created a painting without boundaries in the

                                                                           Historic  Hall  of  the  Hamburger  Bahnhof,  which  finally  ex-

                                                                           tended to the exterior façade of the Rieckhallen, which became
                                                                           part of the Museum für Gegenwart in 2004. With its bright

                                                                           colours and unpredictable shapes, Grosse’s artwork radically

                                                                           breaks with the existing order of the museum space – creating

                                                                           the  impression  of  a  kaleidoscopic  image.  Inspired  by  the

                                                                           colours and shapes of nature, the visitors and the built envi-

                                                                           ronment, the elements are combined in a pulsating image. In

                                                                           the process, the boundaries between horizontal and vertical

                                                                           orientation, inside and outside, and the limitations of the sur-

                                                                           rounding objects seem to dissolve. Depending on the perspec-

                                                                           tive when moving through the painting, shapes and propor-

                                                                           tions change in the colourful installation. This creates spaces

                                                                           that awaken versatile associations and consciously question

                                                                           and  deconstruct  our  habitual  ways  of  seeing,  of  thinking

                                                                           about, and of perceiving the world around us. The title It Was-

                                                                           n’t Us alludes to the unpredictability and complexity of the art-

                                                                           work. The brightly coloured, immersive painting was on dis-

                                                                           play from 13 June 2020 to 9 January 2021.

                                                                           Foto: © Katharina Grosse und VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2021 / Jens Ziehe
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