Page 115 - AIT0920_E-Paper
P. 115
Legende • Legend 11 Umkleide • Changing room
1 Eingang • Entrance 12 EDV • IT
2 Bäcker • Bakery 13 Aufsicht • Supervision
3 Café • Café 14 Büro • Office
4 Terrasse • Terrace 15 Personalraum • Staff room
5 Verkaufsraum • Sales area 16 Vorbereitung • Preparation
6 Frischetheke • Deli counter 17 Spülraum • Washroom
7 Leergut • Empties 18 Hausanschlussraum • Connection room
8 Lager • Storage 19 Müll • Rubbish
9 Anlieferung • Delivery 20 Heizung • Heating
10 Kühllager • Cold storage 21 Aggregate • Aggregates
Lageplan • Site plan
9 8
Energiekonzept Sommer • Energy concept summer
11 12 13
21 10 10 14 15 10
Grundriss • Floor plan Energiekonzept Winter • Energy concept winter
structure, a linearly gridded wooden-rib ceiling of laminated timber beams and glued is furthermore excellently suited for integrating all the technical installations such as
three-layer panels rests on the beams. This results in a calm and neat structure which, ventilation ducts, cables etc. These technical elements visually move into the back-
together with the coniferous wood, lends the interior a warm atmosphere. The details ground and do not dominate the interior. Very high-quality lighting consisting of ele-
and proportion of the roof edge are oriented on details of the adjacent residential buil- gant, black LED objects produces an additional level in the room without disturbing
dings which have been designed and built in parallel. This creates a visual link of the the visual calm of the timber ceiling.
commercial building to the residential buildings and emphasizes the holistic approach
to the village development. The roof of the supermarket was completely panted and The energy concept is trendsetting and sustainable
produces the necessary ecological compensation.
In planning the building, it was possible to energetically differ from the usual super-
An honest, straightforward and discreet material concept market standards and implement a trendsetting, sustainable concept. Due to the ori-
entation of the building and the passive shading with the roof, external heat input
The two façades towards the adjoining streets on the north- and the east side are was already considerably reduced. In combination with ventilation at night via sky-
completely glazed with a filigree mullion/transom system. Right at the entrance is the lights and the thermal mass, the building does completely without mechanical coo-
bakery which is positioned in front of the market as a polygonal structure. Due to the ling. In winter, the waste heat of the refrigerated display counters is fed into the hea-
projection, a south-oriented façade with a terrace and outside seating for the café is ting system. Additional heat need is met by the connection to the wood-chip heating
produced. From here, there is a view of the striking monastery and all the way to the station specifically built for the die village centre. The heat is given off into the interior
Alps. Inside, it was possible to differ from the customary model plan of the tenant in via a concrete-core activated floor panel. This low-temperature system replaces the
some places essential for the architectural design with the goal of an honest, straight- air heating installed as standard which significantly lowers the necessary air volume.
forward and discreet material concept. Thus, the complete wooden construction was This saves energy and considerably reduces the amount of building-technology equip-
kept visible and untreated and thus the static function is shown in a self-explanatory ment below the ceiling of the market. The result is an undisturbed, calm interior. Ar-
way. The concrete wall necessary for bracing the slope was left as exposed concrete tificial light is exclusively supplied by high-performance LED luminaires without waste
and creates an attractive contrast to the timber ceiling. The rib geometry of the ceiling heat and with low energy consumption.
AIT 9.2020 • 115