Page 85 - AIT0919_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Marcante Testa Architetti, IT-Turin
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Benedetta Bevilacqua
                                                                                        Standort • Location Via Giovanni Morelli 1, Mailand
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 200 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos Carola Ripamonti
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 150

                                                                                        IMARIKA BOUTIQUE

                                                                                        IN MILAN

                                                                                        Since 1979, Benedetta Bevilacqua, called Tina, has run
                                                                                        her small fashion boutique called Imarika near Milan's
                                                                                        city centre. Even 40 years later, you can still meet the
                          „Ich will, dass meine Kunden Imarika                          Grand dame - now a real institution in Milan's fashion

                  als einen Ort wahrnehmen, an dem sie sich wohl-                       scene - in her shop every day. The premises have re-
                                                                                        cently been redesigned and extended by Marcante
                   fühlen, wo sie ihren Alltag hinter sich lassen und                   Testa, a Turin-based architectural firm.

                  Spaß haben können. Bei uns stehen die Menschen
                          im Mittelpunkt, nicht die Klamotten.“                         A  nyone who thinks of extensive luxury shopping and an exclusive
                                                                                           as well as largest possible selection of fashion stores offering clo-
                         Benedetta Bevilacqua, Imarika-Gründerin                        thes in the highest price ranges will probably soon come up with the
                                                                                        Italian fashion capital Milan. In addition to several world-famous pla-
                                                                                        ces to go, such as the Galleria Vitorio Emanuelle or the Rinascente de-
                                                                                        partment store, there are also countless small to medium-sized bou-
                                                                                        tiques throughout the city that sell selected luxury fashion products.
                                                                                        One of the most renowned fashion stores is Imarika, a small but fine
                                                                                        boutique situated not far from Porta Venezia, which has been selling
                                                                                        an exclusive selection of selected and exceptional fashion items for
                                                                                        40 years. Elegance and good taste, but also the fun in fashion are pa-
                                                                                        ramount, and nobody embodies these principles better than the foun-
                                                                                        der of the business: Benedetta Bevilacqua. Visitors can still find the
                                                                                        elderly lady in her boutique every day, where she advises customers
                                                                                        on questions of style – always dressed stunningly extravagantly, of
                                                                                        course –, observes what's going on from a chair or even helps to put
                                                                                        the sales items back in the right place. In short, the Imarika Boutique
                                                                                        is Tina's territory. That's why it was her decision to commissioned the
                                                                                        architectural firm Marcante Testa from Turin to give the store a cleaner
                                                                                        and more contemporary look. This re-design concept is characterised
                                                                                        above all by the wall surfaces designed in soft colours and the clay-
                                                                                        plastered dividing elements, which harmonise excellently with the
                                                                                        elegant terrazzo flooring, which is the only remnant of the original fur-
                                                                                        nishings to have been maintained. Several copper struts direct the vi-
                                                                                        sitor's attention to the ceiling, which is decorated with ornamental
                                                                                        stucco and artistic lighting elements that were designed by the archi-
                                                                                        tects themselves. The rather subdued colour scheme is supported on
                                                                                        the one hand by other materials such as shiny white laminate or pink
                                                                                        wood surfaces, and on the other hand by the somewhat dreamy,
                                                                                        round design vocabulary of the room dividers used to structure the
                                                                                        room. A calm yet stylish interior that seems to have been made for
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  Tina and her Imarika Boutique.

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