Page 75 - AIT0721_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design The Baukunst Dynamites, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Andreas Roser, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Standort • Location Stuttgart
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 36 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Philip Kottlorz, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     LIVING WITH MORRIS

                                                                                     IN STUTTGART

                                                                                     While the paradigm of functional segregation still applied
                                                                                     in modernism, systems of temporary, flexible and hybrid
                                                                                     spatial structures are central to contemporary building
                                                                                     tasks. With their experimental monospace Living with
                                                                                     Morris, The Baukunst Dynamites contribute to this para-
                                                                                     digm shift and demonstrate how overlapping, transpa-
                                                                                     rent and soft walls create adaptable living scenarios.

                                                                                     D   ensely populated metropolises are often attractive, but afford-
                                                                                         able living space is scarce. Accordingly, housing space must be
                                                                                     used in a sophisticated way – a task to which The Baukunst Dynami-
             Grundriss Kochen • Floor plan Cooking    Grundriss Arbeiten • Floor plan Working  tes are happy to devote themselves. The internationally active design
                                                                                     collective working at the interface of architecture, design, art and
                                                                                     theory thinks urban living space further, proving with its current pro-
                                                                                     ject how living in the smallest of spaces can be interpreted in a con-
                                                                                     temporary way and how rental housing space can be made usable in
                                                                                     the long term for densely populated cities. Under the direction of
                                                                                     Sarah Behrens and Ina Westheiden, the team transformed a two-
                                                                                     room flat in a 1930s apartment building in the south of Stuttgart with
                                                                                     tiny, monofunctional rooms into a spacious, multifunctional unit with
                                                                                     a flexible floor plan. In order to make full use of the 36 square metres
                                                                                     of space, all the functions of daily life can be variably added or remo-
                                                                                     ved. For this, working, living, cooking, eating, taking showers and
                                                                                     sleeping are all accommodated on about ten square metres of the
                                                                                     total area along the outer walls, whereby the areas can be indivi-
             Grundriss Entspannen • Floor plan Relaxing  Grundriss Duschen • Floor plan Showering  dually (or together) added to or taken away from the 26-square-metre
                                                                                     functionless area in the centre of the room in a targeted manner.
                                                                                     Thus, residents can enjoy a 28-square-metre bathroom, study, living
                                                                                     room, dining room, bedroom or kitchen – without having to maintain
                                                                                     a 168-square-metre flat. The surrounding textile walls, which make
                                                                                     this multiple occupancy possible, dissolve into different layers, from
                                                                                     opaque to transparent, and expose objects and furniture as required,
                                                                                     one after the other or even in parallel. The outermost opaque layer –
                                                                                     the classic Willow Bough curtain by William Morris from 1895 – is
                                                                                     available in four different shades and has a significant impact on the
                                                                                     room, with its ornament of stylised leaf motifs acting as a space-dis-
                                                                                     solving element. In just a few simple steps, the appearance of the mo-
                                                                                     nospace can thus be quickly changed not only visually, but the new
                                                                                     living typology can also be adapted to the most diverse needs of the
             Grundriss Essen • Floor plan Eating      Grundriss Schlafen • Floor plan Sleeping  people living here.

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