Page 47 - AIT0721_E-Paper
P. 47

Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
             auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
             in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an ihrem
             ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

             Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme
             in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen
             and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi!
             Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

             I t all started with two images. An inner image and a photograph, taken during a  evening dress made of steel and Sekurit glass on the catwalks. “Respect, man!” The
                                                                           Afro-American’s snow-white teeth flashed in his mahogany-coloured face. I had dres-
               holiday and developed afterwards. A gift from my aunt who travelled with me. My
             brother looked at the photo – for quite some time. Then he groaned. “But I’m already  sed for the annual ritual of the German Film Awards in what one wears on such oc-
              15...” He looked at the photo again, shook his head, “... and I look like I’m 12!”  He  casions, a jacket, black trousers and a black shirt. But my brother wore the G.U.K.
              cleared his throat, put the photo aside. He was right. The boy in the picture, with the  look. And he was noticed. Immediately. The Afro-American raised his fist to his heart
             neat pageboy hairstyle, the cheeks red from the Danish sun and the baby-blue plush  and extended it appreciatively to my brother in a farewell salute. It was a conscious
             jumper really did look like a kid, and not like the bloke he actually was. “I’ll have  decision, two years earlier, shortly after his own milestone birthday. Benjamin was
              to change that,” he said and walked off. Determined. He returned wearing peg-top  invited to a band party, with lots of young people. For a test, he put on a punk T-
             pants, white and yellow sneakers and a mint-green sweatshirt with batwing sleeves  shirt that had been lying in the wardrobe for some time. He was startled. It looked
              and a round neck with an embroidered fantasy label, “Chaos,” in a zigzag 80s font.  old, or even worse: oldish. “Forever Punk.” Atrocious. But what could a young look
             A real eye-catcher, we thought it clothes was from London, because the New Wave  for a 50-year-old look like? Life experience and cosmopolitanism have to be reflec-
             bands wore such sweatshirts in their videos, but it actually came from Moscow.  ted. Otherwise, it simply looks ridiculous. Clothes don’t make you “young”, but the
             Well, not the clothes, they were made in Turkey, but the idea. Even from an artist ar-  signals you sense in the clothes, and even more so in the person wearing them: the
             chitect (as we will see, this is a rare exception), Vladimir Tatlin. And indeed, outside  joy of playing, the spirit of discovery, the courage to try something new, to experi-
              a disco he was now no longer asked for his ID. The other picture was a personal, pri-  ment. My brother looked for inspiration on the internet, but “influencers” are too
             vate one, an impression: burnt in unchangeably, like the etched lines on an etching  much about brands and promotion, and that wasn’t what he was looking for. He
             plate. A corpulent man with a half-bald head and a                                  only made a find with people of colour, with their
             turtleneck jumper, voluminous, horn-rimmed glas-                                    fast-paced, creative, casual and often self-mocking
             ses and a viscose shirt stretched over his potbelly,                                way of dressing. Looks that, at their core, are about
             celebrating his 50th birthday with much fanfare and                                 the very “dignity” that is so often denied, so often
             sweat on his forehead: our father. “I’ll never be like                              taken away from them in the US and around the
             that!” said my brother the next morning. It’s hard to                               world. This is what his new style should be about,
             keep to that. First of all, you have to turn 50 your-                               surprising and absolutely up to date, but retaining the
             self: at first it seems unimaginable, then much too                                 dignity of age for those who wear it. And, because fa-
             far away, and then, suddenly, it happens. And you                                   shion is a game, it should not cost too much. Expen-
             must not become too chubby. It’s quite simple: you                                  sive things depress. I often see him sitting at his desk
             just don’t eat much anymore. And you shouldn’t                                      now, late at night, sewing. Individualising his clothes,
             wear clothes that seem too grown-up, too serious,                                   removing brand labels, and, every now and then, ta-
             too sincere. That’s difficult because it’s subjective.                              king off little things that are too “youthful”. Not every-
             And you should keep the spirit of a child. That is the                              thing works anymore, it’s a weighing up, testing, even
             hardest thing. Clothes! First home, second skin. Wild                               discarding. My brother told me that his new look
             theories circulate as to why people wear them at all.                               should  be  clothes  for  “Grown-up  Kids”  (G.U.K.).
             As protection against rain, cold, heat, snow. But the  Foto: Benjamin Reding        Grown-up  kids.  And  that’s  what  he  wants  to  be,
             question may at least be asked, why mice don’t                                      grown up, with the work, the impression, the experi-
             wrap themselves in autumn leaves and dogs in their                                  ence of many years, but like a child with the joy of
             owners’ old coats when the rain once again turns them into dripping monsters?  discovery, the desire to play, even overcoming his own fears. (To not exaggerate the
              Would Homo Sapiens become extinct if he ran around naked? Priest preach that  arc of suspense with the G.U.K. look: It looks like the style in the column photo, for
              people wear clothes because of “natural shame,” as protection against the gaze of  example, when my brother took the new underground line 5 to the Museumsinsel
              others, as a kind of textile chastity belt. Anthropologist say, clothes are a protection  station at the beginning of July.) He now frequently has encounters like the one with
              necessary to survive, like house walls walking along with you, against all the incle-  the Afro-American. He is looked at, photographed, marvelled at, sometimes criti-
              mency of nature. But if that were the case, wouldn’t all houses look like garages and  cally, but often appreciatively, often by people of colour who recognise themselves
             all clothes like flour sacks? No, clothing, that first home directly on our skin, is the  in his style, feel the respect for their culture. A fashion scout from an internet retailer
             most direct expression of creativity, of creation, of design. And yes, also of desire and  approached him about becoming an “influencer,” with various social accounts, star
              play, that is, of the centre that makes up our humanity. And this has been the case  of the internet scene, the 50-year-old “Grown-up Kid”, with millions of clicks...,
              at least since the variously patterned skins of Ötzi’s 5000-year-old winter coat. Only  100,000 likes..., the first imitators in Tokyo; Dubai, Chongqing, cover pages, his own
              the architects, who otherwise design so much, from the mocha cup to the Chinese  collection, money, fame, flash and… STOP! My brother’s look is a game, and it
             metropolis of millions, avoid the art of clothing and even more so its perfection: fa-  should remain a game. A few days ago, while rearranging all my clothes, something
             shion. No Kulka tights, no Zaha Hadid scarves, Herzog shirts and De Meuron coats  fell into my hands, a machine-knitted jumper, round neck, batwing sleeves, mint-
             in the summer sale, no checked pants by O.M. Ungers, no small cross-striped cock-  green, the label still on the inside of the collar: “Chaos”. Ben put it on, the seams
              tail dress by Ettore Sottsass, no Tadao Ando nightgown, no Gehry sneakers, no “Van-  frayed, the fabric porous, the sleeves worn out, but it still fit! And, taking a look out
             derrohe” (pronouncing the name in English makes it sound like a fashion designer)  of the window here in Berlin, it’s back in fashion.

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