Page 122 - AIT0721_E-Paper
P. 122


            Individuell: Von der großzügigen Garçonnière ... • Individual: from generous Garçonnière ...

            ... zur Separierung von Wohn- und Schlafbereich • ... to the separation of living and sleeping area   Vitrinenartige Öffnungen in der Wand schaffen Raum für Kunst. • Openings in the wall provide space for art

            A   lmost every day, the client moves between seclusion and public cultural events, bet-  tarsia. The dark wood of the worktop contrasts with the honey-coloured hue of oak. The
                ween philanthropic seminar and conference situations. Now he no longer has to
                                                                          kitchen functions are located behind the oak veneer elements. The elegance and com-
            leave his flat to do so! A modifiable floor plan allows for changeable living and hosting  pactness of the wooden cupboard, wardrobe and kitchen wall is reminiscent of a ship’s
            situations. Two large-format wall panels made of oak can be easily moved and, depen-  cabin. In the sanitary areas, this maritime craftsmanship and material triad are conti-
            ding on their positioning, vary the spatial division and zoning of uses. This creates tem-  nued: fittings, actuator plates and shelves made of stainless steel; floor-to-ceiling, ash-
            porary moods, the duration and intensity of which can be controlled individually. From  coloured natural stone slabs; floorboards and base cabinets made of oak. The idea of
            pure intimacy created by complete optical separation, to exciting visual axes through ope-  the flexible floor plan and the open continuous spatial flow is underlined by the reduced
            nings, to a studio atmosphere through the holistic interconnection of the rooms. The rule  form of the parts to be moved. Here it is not the form that is fluid-dynamic but the space.
            is: open living-dining area – separate sleeping area; open living-sleeping section – sepa-
            rate dining area. Stainless steel rails from Losyco serve as linear runners for the heavy-  The room dividers – moving light sources, illuminated windows
            duty archive castors. The cross-shaped arrangement of the large room dividers lends the
            room a special dynamic. A two-centimetre shadow gap gives the heavy elements a light,  On site, we developed the architectural and lighting concept together with the lighting
            almost hovering appearance. The rails embedded in the oak floorboards reinforce this  design office Ulrike Brandi Licht. Both transformer furniture have showcase-like windows
            effect. The light oak of the floor and furniture, the dark walnut of the kitchenette and the  for displaying art objects. The openings represent windows between the interior spaces,
            warm white tones of the wall and ceiling surfaces create a calm meditative mood. The  enhancing the loft-like spatial character. At the same time, the showcases are also mo-
            movable walls provide almost 20 cubic metres of storage space. Hidden functions, such  vable display windows and pass-throughs, i.e., light sources equipped with specific
            as a guest bed and a desk, can be folded out when needed. The idea of two kinetic walls  lighting means: The lighting of the large pass-through between the kitchen and living
            with integrated residential functions has gained in importance due to the current pande-  room is provided by nine optical mini-spotlights with directional beam angles of 20 and
            mic situation. In addition to the “transformers”, which create different floor plan confi-  48 degrees to make the objects inside glow. The mini-spotlights are relocatable on ma-
            gurations and make up the fluid flat concept, there are two fixed built-in units – the so-  gnetic Roblon Track A rail at the top of the pass-through. Similarly, all openings of the
            called “anchors”: the large wall unit with built-in kitchenette and the sanitary area. Using  transformers – drawers, fold-out desk, bookshelves – feature fine recessed lighting details.
            a recess with walnut veneer, the kitchen is set into the colossal oak wall unit like an in-  The LED flex boards are recessed in milled light channels and create a subtle illumination

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