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ect is especially coordinated with its environment, the user or the specific requirements.
                The  clear  language  of  form  for  which  Kaan  Architects  are  famous  gets  individually
                adapted to the project. For each project, the surroundings, the users’ needs and the his-
                tory of the location are separately analysed. Despite the clear, recognizable style of the
                office, this makes it possible to offer a variety of answers to entirely different questions.            Duisburg

                r You  are  currently  involved  in  the  construction  of  the  Geo-  and  Environmental
                Research Centre (GUZ) on the campus of Tübingen University. As a German architect,
                do you profit from a kind of “home advantage”?
                I have been involved in the project for about a year and of course I have a certain home
                advantage since I speak the language and am familiar with the structures in Germany
                due to my experiences so far and my prior knowledge. The office has very flat hierar-
                chies so that young architects have the chance and are trusted to further develop pro-
                fessionally. This is completely independent of nationality, experience, age, project and
                country. I am well able to contribute to the Tübingen Geo- and Environmental Research
                Centre and thus gain a very deep insight into the complete process and the implemen-
                tation of a project of this scale. I participate in all the stages – from the design to the
                carrying out to the coordination. At present, the focus is on coordinating specialist plan-
                ners and contractors as well as on communicating with the client and the users. It is
                actually interesting for me to work on a German project with a Dutch office. It helps to
                see my understanding of architecture in a new context and allows me new perspectives
                and approaches to architecture.

                r You studied at Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig. What is the reputation
                that graduates from German architectural schools enjoy in the Netherlands?
                As far as I can judge from my own environment, German training and architecture basi-
                cally enjoy a good reputation. However, Kaan Architecten are very international so that
                the origin does not have a decisive influence on the chances of getting a job. So far,
                I have worked exclusively together with highly motivated, open and committed col-
                leagues, no matter where they studied. At Kaan Architecten, team spirit and independ-
                ent working are expected. For the diploma-degree course of TU Braunschweig, these
                were basic requirements for successful studies. I believe that studying in Braunschweig
                gave me the chance of developing my own attitude to a variety of issues in architecture
                and to credibly represent and clearly communicate them. This has been a major help
                to me in my professional life to date.

                r Kees Kaan is currently the chairman of the Department of Complex Projects at the
                faculty of architecture at Delft University of Technology. His research topic is major
                building complexes for rapid global urban development. What are you able to learn
                from Kees Kaan and his office partners?
                Working with Kees Kaan is a great experience for me because he has an exciting and
                very original way of asking questions of architecture and of interpreting tasks. I was
                given the chance of working with all three partners in the office. For the competition for
                the New Courthouse Amsterdam, I worked with Kees Kaan, for the Supreme Court of
                the Netherlands with Vincent Panhuysen and for my current project, the GUZ Tübingen,  Der Architekturkongress
                I am working very closely with Dikkie Scipio. All three have an incredibly good eye for
                the different potentials in the individual approaches to the draft and they integrate the  in Duisburg
                team into their decisions. Thus the complete design process and the standard of the
                respective implementation is always incredibly logical and transparent for me. The pre-
                cision and the analytical capability with which decisions are made fascinate me. In
                addition, there is a highly relaxed relationship between the project directors, the archi-  20./21. OKTOBER 2016
                tects and the partners in the office which makes the whole cooperation more than
                pleasant. You are given the chance to assume responsibility – and this motivates. The
                ideas, concepts and thoughts of each employee are taken very seriously.
                                                                                                      Themen und
                r Apart from the job – what is positive about working in the Netherlands?
                I experience the Dutch as being very open, friendly people. Rotterdam is a very interna-
                tional, modern city where an extreme amount of contemporary architecture is generat-  kostenlose Registrierung unter:
                ed. The  city  is  constantly  changing  and  growing  incredibly  fast. With  the  IABR,  the
                International  Biennale  of  Architecture  Rotterdam,  and  the  Het  Nieuwe  Instituut,  the
                Rotterdam training, research- and exhibition centre for architecture and design, and
                with the proximity to Delft University of Technology, there is a very energetic, interesting
                environment where architecture is generated and lived. Thanks to the harbour, the prox-
                imity to the North Sea and also to the weather condition, as being from North Germany
                I quickly settled down here.
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