Page 71 - AIT0624_E-Paper
P. 71

Entwurf • Design Atelier Réalité, PT-Lissabon
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client The Capsule Café, PT-Ericeira
                                                                                    Standort • Location PT-Ericeira
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 40 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Francisco Nogueira, PT-Lissabon
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    THE CAPSULE CAFÉ

                                                                                    IN ERICEIRA

                                                                                    The Capsule Café, which is located in the small Portugue-
                                                                                    se town of Ericeira, certainly has nothing in common with
                                                                                    a plastic capsule for dusty coffee machines. A cheeky smi-
                                                                                    ley face with squinted eyes juts out into the pedestrian
                                                                                    zone on a large round illuminated sign and draws atten-
                                                                                    tion to what lies behind it: a 40 square-metre café which
                                                                                    has been designed by Atelier Réalité from Lisbon.

                                                                                    T   and attracts surfing enthusiasts from all over the world with its
                                                   Querschnitt • Cross section          his small fishing village lies just 36 kilometres north of Lisbon

                                                                                    high waves. The beaches are known for their natural beauty – the
                                                                                    town centre for its winding alleyways and culinary diversity. In the
                                                                                    centre of all this is now a new café. The planners Mariana Póvoa, Síl-
                                                                                    via Rocio and Pedro Pedroso from Atelier Réaltié took up the challenge
                                                                                    and based the design of the long and narrow commercial space on
                                                                                    the features of the surrounding existing architecture. The cobalt blue
                                                                                    of the façade, typical of the area, was retained and was quickly adap-
                                                                                    ted as an identity-creating colour for the interior of the Capsule Café.,
                                                                                    endowing it with the desired contemporaneity and expressiveness.
                                                                                    Whether pendant lights, small pieces of furniture, integrated coun-
                                                                                    ter trays or translucent room dividers: the strong sky- and wave-like
                                                                                    colour extends from the façade to the sanitary facilities. Like an Ame-
                                                                                    rican diner, the space is organized in longitudinal direction. The open-
                                                                                    plan kitchen with an elongated seating counter invites you to enjoy a
                                                                                    quick espresso on bar stools, whereas tables opposite with upholste-
                                                                                    red benches offer enough space for a long café visit. Restrained sha-
             Grundriss • Floor Plan                Straßenansicht • Street view     pes and colours – a light shade of grey for the floor, walls and ceilings
                                                                                    and white for the furniture and tiled counter – give the cobalt-blue
                                                                                    highlights sufficient spatial impact. The luminous curtain at the end
                                                                                    of the room is particularly eye-catching. It separates the utility rooms
                                                                                    from the commercial space and, depending on its position, transforms
                                                                                    the surroundings into a futuristic, colourful world. And where a lot
                                                                                    of life takes place outdoors, you want to connect the inside with the
                                                                                    outside. Two large openings ensure this: the entrance door and a win-
                                                                                    dow. Naturally framed in blue and swivelling, they allow the façade
                                                                                    to be opened almost completely. Like shop windows, the openings
                                                                                    frame the seating area at the same height on one side and the open
                                                                                    bar on the other. But those who prefer to sit outside can quite simply
                                                                                    take a seat on bench shaped like an oversized dachshund standing
             Schnitt • Section                                                      in front of the café.

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