Page 95 - AIT0622_E-Paper
P. 95

Entwurf • Design PIG Design, CN-Hangzhou
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Victor Cody, CN-Shanghai
                                                                                     Standort • Location Xintiandi, CN-Shanghai
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.700 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos SFAP, CN-Shanghai
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 150

                                                                                     NIGHTCLUB GRNDCNTRL

                                                                                     IN SHANGHAI

                                                                                     With sophisticated lighting architecture and stylistic quo-
                                                                                     tations from Art Deco and the space era, PIG Design have
                                                                                     transformed an old nightclub in the heart of Shanghai
                                                                                     into a futuristic, hip venue. As soon as it’s possible to
                                                                                     party again, the posh crowd will meet here to see and be
                                                                                     seen – the floor plan with a central stage and spectator
                                                                                     galleries is inspired by theatre construction.

                                                                                     T   hree. Two. One – Liftoff! David Bowie’s famous song “Space
                                                                                         Oddity” tells the story of a wandering spaceman who breaks
                                                                                     off communication with Earth. The ground staff tries to reach him
                                                                                     by sending out “Ground Control to Major Tom”, but Tom has long
                                                                                     been floating in other spheres – “far above the moon” – the world
                                                                                     is no longer his concern ... Like the hero of the famous space rock
                                                                                     anthem, a post-pandemic party crowd completely starved of glitte-
                                                                                     ring, glamourous nightlife will soon lose contact with Earth in the
                                                                                     Shanghai nightclub named GRNDCNTRL. At least, that’s what the
                                                                                     immersive spatial dramaturgy promises, which the planning team
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               around Li Wenqiang of PIG Design from Hangzhou developed for
                                                                                     the total floor area of 1,700 square metres. To kick things off in
                                                                                     terms of scenography, the crowd is first led through a dark tunnel
                                                                                     by means of luminous panels staggered in perspective before arri-
                                                                                     ving in the night-black atrium of the nine-metre-high so-called Main
                                                                                     Hall. As in a spaced-out vaudeville theatre, spacious, technoid-loo-
                                                                                     king seating areas are positioned around the dance floor, aligned
                                                                                     with the central DJ desk. Behind it, two ceiling-high canopies of
                                                                                     rhythmically repeated light lines mark the bar area with a backlit
                                                                                     counter front made of polished natural stone. Four massive sup-
                                                                                     ports, clad with sheet steel to form bundle pillars, serve as light
                                                                                     sculptures and visually tie the Main Hall and the gallery level toget-
                                                                                     her vertically. All in all, the canon of forms consisting of rhythmic
                                                                                     lines of force and rounded corners in interplay with an extravagant
                                                                                     range of materials comprising reflective stainless steel, mirrors, lac-
                                                                                     quer and leather surfaces is reminiscent of 1930s Streamline Mo-
                                                                                     dernism, which was inspired by the aerodynamic contours of con-
                                                                                     temporary industrial design. In Shanghai, Art Deco and the space
                                                                                     age now meet the technically elaborate light and sound architec-
                                                                                     ture of the 2020s. And the result makes you want to take off imme-
                                                                                     diately: a retro-futuristic universe in monochrome, in which all spa-
             Grundriss Galerieebene • Floor plan level +1                            tial boundaries seem to have disappeared.

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