Page 31 - AIT0622_E-Paper
P. 31

Bulb, 2020
                                                                             von • by Matthias Weischer
                                                                                                                                       Foto: Enrico Meyer

                                                                           “In most cases, I begin producing my paintings in rather an ab-

                                                                           stract way – the rooms and the objects surface in a cosmic

                                                                           soup”, Matthias Weischer describes the start of his painting

                                                                           process. Objective art with flowing transitions to abstract paint-

                                                                           ing – besides his training at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, it

                                                                           is especially due to this quality shown in his work that he ranks

                                                                           among the representatives of the Neue Leipziger Schule. Seem-

                                                                           ingly faded colours, collage-like compositions, the ambiguous

                                                                           structuring of the surfaces thanks to thick layers of paint, a

                                                                           painting in a painting and, last but not least, written-off orna-

                                                                           ments and floral patterns emphasize what is past in Weischer’s

                                                                           quotations of former eras of architecture and art and give his

                                                                           works a kind of melancholic tranquillity. In all this, the perspec-

                                                                           tive of the rooms cannot always be clearly traced to a vanishing

                                                                           point. With the dissolution of the linear relationships of objects

                                                                           in the room, the artist succeeds in creating exactly this: room!

                                                                           Room for the viewer who, due to the assumed breaking of rules,

                                                                           is animated to take on various positions. Firm, solid areas pro-

                                                                           duce an anchor for orientation amidst these shifts. From the

                                                                           first to the last stroke of the brush, the hand of the painter be-

                                                                           comes part of the painting. And, like an archaeologist, the
                                                                           viewer is allowed to follow the entire process of creation all the

                                                                           way to the first layers which shine through here and there. “My

                                                                           paintings do not pretend to represent reality. They always also

                                                                           refer to themselves and manifest that they are a painting. This

                                                                           is why I strain the material and like to take it to its limits and

                                                                           sometimes even beyond the frame”, Weischer states.

                                                  © Matthias Weischer und VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022.
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