Page 115 - AIT0621_E-Paper
P. 115

Entwurf • Design Michelmann Architekten, Isernhagen
                                                                           Bauherr • Client Familie Vollbracht, Sonnenpark, Willingen
                                                                           Standort • Location Sonnenweg 4a, Willingen
                                                                           Nutzfläche • Location 18.000 m 2
                                                                           Fotos • Photos Patricia Buth, Stuttgart
                                                                           Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 134


                            3       2                    9


                                                                           1 Rezeption mit Spielbereich
                                                                           2 Haus Sternschnuppe mit 26 Apartments, Tiefgarage
                                                                           3 Lounge-Bereich mit Anschluss zur Moonlight-Bar
                                                                           4 Schwimmbad mit Wellenrutsche und Anschluss zum Außenpool
                                                                           5 Haus Sternenhimmel mit 16 Apartments, Fitnessraum und Spiel-
                     7          6                                           zimmer, Tiefgarage
                                                                           6 Abenteuerland mit Reithalle, Trampolinanlage und Jugendraum
                                                                           7 Haus Regenbogen mit 23 Apartments
                                                                           8 Neubau der Kinderbetreuung mit acht weiteren Apartments, zwei
                                                                            davon mit Ausstattung für Menschen mit Behinderung
                     8                                                     9 Haus Mondschein mit 22 Apartments, Spa- und Wellness-Bereich
                                                                            mit Kaminlounge, Privat- und Ladies-Bereich
                                                                           10 Restaurant mit Buffetbereich
             Lageplan • Site view

             period, it had to be possible – and it finally was – to also adapt the internal proces-  zation of the temporary and the permanent solutions. In the remaining hotel areas,
             ses constructionally to the necessary requirements of hygiene and distance. The  the constructional changes in connection with the pandemic are rather marginal:
             most important changes which had to take place due to the corona pandemic – even  In addition to the already existing dispensers of disinfectants at all the entrances,
              though by simple, temporary interventions – are the most obvious in the public  further ones were added – particularly in places where guests increasingly come to-
             hotel areas where food is being served and the contact with the employees can  gether, for instance in the play areas and in the care facility for children and babies.
             hardly be prevented. For protecting the guests, flexible Plexiglas shields have been  A specific scope of action is thus prescribed for the smallest guests as well.
             put up in the whole restaurant area as well as at the counters, in the bars and the
             reception – a proven measure for isolating different groups of people in all of the  The pandemic as a catalyst for gastronomic building tasks
             critical areas.
                                                                           In the Sonnenpark, there has always been a lot of extension-, conversion- and new
             Measures have to be implementable quickly and flexibly         building activity. It goes without saying that, to avoid just letting the period of the
                                                                           hotel closing simply pass, the opportunity was used for new renovation work. Not-
             In addition to these temporarily usable means, a further, permanent design idea  hing unusual so far; during the past year, however, the employees have contributed
             was integrated in the restaurant: room partitions in the form of four small, simple  a not quite unessential part to the new appearance of the apartments in Haus
             huts with already integrated Plexiglas shields.  These make it possible for the di-  Mondschein. During the first lockdown in Germany, the employees participated in
             ning families to not only take their seats separately from the other hotel guests but  the renovation process. In this way, the present manpower was thus sensibly used
             they also provide additional seating options and are meanwhile highly popular  and the staff largely kept their jobs. This measure in the end also led to an increa-
              among the little hotel guests. This is why the huts will be preserved as construction  sed identification of the employees with the new interior design. The resulting de-
             components after the pandemic times as well. Probably the major constructional  mands on room design could therefor in future as well be a quick and simple im-
             measure in the restaurant is the “Almhütte”. Previously, this was the dining area for  plementation – for instance by the staff – as well as high flexibility of the individual
             the children which only had room for a few guests. In combination with the intro-  interventions. The following requirements will in future also have to be placed on
             duction of fixed times for dining in two seatings, thanks to the expanded offer of  a gastronomic concept: Will there be changed spatial perceptions after the end of
             seating options the essential minimal distance of 1.5 metres can be better observed  the pandemic? How can the new needs for distance be permanently integrated?
             and it has been possible to cleverly handle the rush of the guests. An important fac-  How can the constructional integration of primary protection measures – such as,
              tor in the implementation of the installations and conversions was no doubt the  for instance, putting up disinfectant dispensers – look? What can further, crisis-te-
             close cooperation of all the participant and the tight time schedule until the reali-  sted room concepts look like?

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