Page 91 - AIT0620_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Cyrus Ghanai, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client D. Linciano & S. Özay, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Standort • Location Augustenstr. 70, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 105 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Fabian Schmutzer, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 126

                                                                                     RESTAURANT ITALO DISCO

                                                                                     IN STUTTGART

                                                                                     Anyone can do it the expensive way, that applies to just
                                                                                     about any building project. In the catering trade, howe-
                                                                                     ver, every euro invested counts. Cyrus Chanai had to give
                                                                                     the ornate ambience of an Italian restaurant a contem-
                                                                                     porary, individual look — within a limited financial and
                                                                                     time budget and in a reversible way. After the shutdown,
                                                                                     guests will be able to enjoy the new grey-red interior.

                                                                                     T   he opening had actually been planned for the last weekend in
                                                                                         March, invitations were printed, the service staff was ready to
                                                                                     start — one week prior to this, all catering establishments were closed
                                                                                     due to Corona. Perfect starting conditions are somewhat different!
                                                                                     Things had started so well: The future restaurant operators, Daniele
                                                                                     Linciano and Soner Özay, had found a comrade-in-arms in Cyrus Gha-
                                                                                     nai (see AIT 10.2019, p. 10), an interior designer with extensive experi-
                                                                                     ence in the catering sector, who was committed and competent in
                                                                                     meeting the challenges. The wooden furniture fixtures, bar panelling
                                                                                     and fabric lamp shades of an Italian restaurant fitter were allowed to
                                                                                     be removed, but the walls clad with natural stone closers, the black
                                                                                     stoneware floor and the WC facilities located in the basement had to
                                                                                     remain part of the rented property. A consistent concept was needed
                                                                                     to visually enhance the premises, which are only around 100 square
                                                                                     metres in size: Low-cost materials were to be added to conceal the exi-
                                                                                     sting interior fit-out, and a monochrome colour concept was to create
                                                                                     an equally surprising effect. The stone floor is now covered with grey
                                                                                     vinyl tiles, which can be removed without leaving any residue thanks
                                                                                     to the appropriate adhesive, and the natural stone closers have dis-
                                                                                     appeared behind curtains made of grey felt fabric. Following the law
                                                                                     of monochromy, all walls and ceilings have been painted grey. Under
                                                                                     the ceiling, a modular panel system made of dark brown felt ensures
                                                                                     good acoustics in the dining area, and standard spotlights suspended
                                                                                     above the panel system provide directional but flexible light. The exi-
                                                                                     sting table frames, which are fitted with new tops, were also repainted
                                                                                     in grey, as were all new, fixed and movable furniture elements, such
                                                                                     as the low-cost standard wooden chairs. To avoid monochrome beco-
                                                                                     ming monotonous, bright coral red acts as an eye-catcher and repea-
                                                                                     tedly lights up on some of the tables and in the new upholstery of the
                                                                                     benches. Respect for the courage of the operators to support such an
                                                                                     unusual concept; the adherence to the narrow budget and amazed
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  guests will be the reward!

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