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Entwurf • Design Ester Bruzkus Architekten, Berlin
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Villa Kellermann Betriebs GmbH
                                                                                     Standort • Location  Mangerstraße 34, Potsdam
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 380 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Jens Bösenberg, Berlin
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 126

                                                                                     VILLA KELLERMANN

                                                                                     IN POTSDAM

                                                                                     As is well known, every recipe for success is based on
                                                                                     the quality and the interacction of its ingredients. In the
                                                                                     Potsdam Villa Kellermann, the “basics” could not be any
                                                                                     better: The restaurant belongs to TV star Günther Jauch,
                                                                                     top chef Tim Raue sets the tone in the kitchen and Ester
                                                                                     Bruzkus designed the salon-like interior for the more
                                                                                     than 100 years old villa right on Heiliger See in Potsdam.

                                                                                     W     ith eyes wide open, Frederick the Great, the “Alte Fritz”, sur-
                                                                                           veys the salon which is named after him. Andy Warhol’s co-
                                                                                     lourful silkscreen dominates the whole room. The art-loving Prussian
                                                                                     King would no doubt have enjoyed what he sees: The Villa Kellermann
                                                                                     restaurant opened in autumn 2019 is a culinary-architectural overall
                                                                                     work of art. Günther Jauch had the villa constructed in 1914 on Heiliger
                                                                                     See and steeped in GDR history elaborately refurbished according to
                                                                                     the specifications for monument preservation. In star chef Tim Raue,
                                                                                     the TV host found his top chef. Both found their architect in Ester Bruz-
                                                                                     kus. Her salon concept tailored to the old building is unique! Every one
                                                                                     of the historic rooms has its very own look regarding colours. Inter-
                                                                                     esting visual relationships link the room sequence. This restaurant am-
                                                                                     bience feels very private as if it were the rich great-aunt’s home on the
                                                                                     lake. This was the intention of the triumvirate! The architect kept the
                                                                                     furniture she herself had designed at a respectful distance from the
                                                                                     walls. Upholstered benches and chairs as well as tables and carpets
                                                                                     produce seating islands in the room. The salons benefit from a skilful,
                                                                                     opulent mixture of old textures and new surfaces – graphically inter-
                                                                                     esting and pleasant to touch. Filigree furniture of brass and black steel
                                                                                     are found everywhere. Velvet conveys a feeling of security. Bare, beige
                                                                                     walls and a striking, exposed stucco ceiling exude historic charm in the
                                                                                     salon Alter Fritz. Wall-, pendant- and floor lamps specifically develo-
                                                                                     ped for Villa Kellerman ensure very unique light moods. The “Elephant
                                                                                     Salon” owes its name to the vintage wallpaper with tiny, white trunked
                                                                                     animals on a blue background. Door elements, furniture, ceiling, trims
                                                                                     and carpets are immersed in deep-warm Prussian blue. The rabbits,
                                                                                     peacocks and foxes of the upholstery fabric look as if they had just
                                                                                     come in from the nearby woods. The two-part Grüner Salon virtually
                                                                                     brings nature inside. And then there is again and again this view to the
                                                                                     outside … Tim Raue would, at one time, have liked to become an ar-
                                                                                     chitect himself. That the interior and the delicacies served correspond
             Axonometrie • Axonometry                                                so perfectly cannot be merely a coincidence.

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