Page 77 - AIT0620_E-Paper
P. 77

Entwurf • Design Pedevilla Architekten, IT-Bruneck
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Die Dechantei GmbH, IT-Brixen
                                                                                     Standort • Location Hartwiggasse 5, IT-Brixen
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Gustav Willeit, IT-La Villa in Badia
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 126

                                                                                     WIRTSHAUS DECANTEI

                                                                                     IN BRIXEN

               „Wir wollten diese Vielfalt an spezifischen Räumen                    The Decantei in Bressanone wants to be a tavern. Down-
                                                                                     to-earth, regional — both in gastronomic and architectural
               bewahren und gleichzeitig im gesamten Projekt ein                     terms. This was ensured by the people behind the Decan-

                            Gefühl der Einheit vermitteln.“                          tei  and  the  South  Tyrolean  architects  Alexander  and
                                                                                     Armin Pedevilla. The brothers have repeatedly shown
                             Alexander und Armin Pedevilla                           that they know how to combine tradition and zeitgeist,
                                                                                     for example with the Trehs-Haus featured in AIT 1/2.2019.

                                                                                     M    ighty walls, columns, arches and vaults characterise the histo-
                                                                                          ric building with its impressive inner courtyard. The Decantei
                                                                                     is located in Bressanone's picturesque old town, near the cathedral.
                                                                                     The origins of the building date back to the 13 century. Among other
                                                                                     things, it served the cathedral dean as his official residence. A variety
                                                                                     of uses over several epochs explain the heterogeneous rooms — so-
                                                                                     metimes  higher,  sometimes  lower,  sometimes  larger,  sometimes
                                                                                     smaller, varying ceilings ... It is precisely this variety that makes the
                                                                                     building so charming. Pedevilla Architects aimed to emphasize this
                                                                                     character and yet create a "feeling of unity". Surrounding wall panel-
                                                                                     ling made of light larch wood now brings together rooms and layers
                                                                                     of time. The flooring and self-designed furniture are also made of soft-
                                                                                     wood obtained from the area. The half-height wall panelling conti-
                                                                                     nues a regional tradition and yet has a contemporary, homely appea-
                                                                                     rance. Guests can sit on benches along the walls — cosily next to each
                                                                                     other. In addition to the wood, dark, manually smoothed lime plaster
                                                                                     made of marble powders and silica sands contributes to the high-
                                                                                     quality atmosphere. The structure of the wall and ceiling surfaces is
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  indirectly illuminated. The shape of circle is repeatedly used as a geo-
                                                                                     metric leitmotif — in the form of structured, tinted glass panes, in the
                                                                                     wooden counter or the entrance door. "We trust in the newly disco-
             1  Bar • Bar                   5 Lager • Storage
             2 Restaurant • Restaurant      6 Technik • Technics                     vered, the tried and tested, the always fresh and regional" is the cu-
             3 Küche • Kitchen              7 Hof • Yard                             linary philosophy. Architecturally, this rootedness is reflected in local
             4 Toiletten • Toilet           8 Garten • Garden
                                                                                     materials and the expertise of local craft businesses. Hand-forged
                                                                                     door surfaces and specially made door handles create a reference to
                                                                                     the cathedral quarter. Particularly beautiful are the trumpet-shaped
                                                                                     brass lights that refer to the clerical past of the building. These were
                                                                                     pressed in a special process and finished by hand. In addition, this
                                                                                     shape creates direct but glare-free light above the tables. At the be-
                                                                                     ginning of the year, the Decantei was chosen as one of the finalists for
                                                                                     the AIT Award in the Gastronomy category. The exact ranking will be
             Schnitt • Section                                                       announced in autumn ...

                                                                                                                           AIT 6.2020  •  077
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